Results for January to June 2025
- Morden parkrun, Saturday 8 March 2025 10-03-25
- East Surrey League Cross Country, Lloyd Park, 1 March 2025
- EMAA Indoor Inter-Area Track & Field Challenge, Lee Valley, 16 February
2025 22-02-25
and EMAC Indoor Track and Field Championships, Lee Valley, 9 February
2025 21-02-25
- Men's Surrey League Cross Country, Lloyd Park, 8 February
2025 20-02-25
- Women's Surrey League Cross Country, Lloyd Park, 8 February 2025
Cross Country Championships and Masters Open race, Wimbledon Common, 18 January 2025
- Women's Surrey League Cross Country, Oxshott, 11 January 2025 23-01-25
- Men's
Surrey League Cross Country, Oxshott, 11 January 2025 22-01-25
Morden parkrun, Saturday 8 March 2025

Most of VAC's parkrunners at Morden Park
Photo from Maggie Statham-Berry
18 members met at Morden Park for VAC's parkrun gathering. This lovely friendly parkrun is in its first year and
isn't crowded or congested. The spacious three-lap course is almost entirely on the park's undulating natural
grassland which would have been wet and slippery a month ago but was pleasantly firm for our visit. It was a lovely
cool sunny morning. The start and finish were near the enclosed area of the bandstand which provided a great
meeting point and an opportunity to chat and take photos afterwards.
Norman Urquia was
the fastest for VAC in 11th place, followed
by Peter Lee and Jim Carrington in 14th and 15th, also under 21 minutes. Lucy Woolhouse was VAC's first women's
finisher and was the second female overall. Lucy also topped the event's age-graded results with a superb 90.69%,
with Maggie Statham-Berry second on this list with 89.76%.
Results, Morden parkrun |
Pos'n |
Name |
Club |
Time |
Age Gp |
Age Grade % |
11 |
Norman Urquia |
Herne Hill Harriers |
20:25 |
M55 |
77.22 |
14 |
Peter Lee |
Hercules Wimbeldon |
20:39 |
M55 |
76.35 |
15 |
Jim Carrington |
Hercules Wimbeldon |
20:40 |
M45 |
70.24 |
18 |
Bryn Reynolds |
Herne Hill Harriers |
21:05 |
M35 |
63.32 |
23 |
Tom Cheetham |
Hercules Wimbeldon |
21:42 |
M55 |
72.66 |
26 (2nd W) |
Lucy Woolhouse |
22:01 |
W60 |
90.69 |
28 |
Simon Adams |
Wimbledon Windmilers |
22:10 |
M60 |
72.33 |
30 |
Charles Hampden-Smith |
Hercules Wimbeldon |
22:29 |
M60 |
73.24 |
40 |
Stewart Bond |
Hercules Wimbeldon |
23:17 |
M55 |
66.57 |
45 |
Gareth George |
Epsom & Ewell |
23:42 |
M55 |
64:84 |
48 (4th W) |
Helen Davies |
Stragglers |
24:07 |
W55 |
74.08 |
58 |
Richard Evans |
Hercules Wimbeldon |
24:44 |
M60 |
66.58 |
63 |
Mike Mann |
Dulwich Runners |
25:05 |
M75 |
76.88 |
65 (7th W) |
Maggie Statham-Berry |
Lingfield Running Club |
25:13 |
W70 |
89.76 |
71 |
William Brook |
Epsom & Ewell |
25:57 |
M50 |
56.84 |
72 |
Hugh Woolhouse |
25:58 |
M60 |
63.41 |
78 |
Martin Garrett |
Sudbury Court RC |
26:41 |
M70 |
66.9 |
145 |
Tony Austin |
Hercules Wimbeldon |
32:42 |
M70 |
53.92 |
188 finishers |

East Surrey League Cross Country, Lloyd Park, 1 March 2025

Most of VAC's team, left to right: Tom, Mark, Mike, Terry, Kev, Duncan, Glen, Simon. Photo from Mark
Following the horrendous conditions at Lloyd Park for the Surrey League fixture in February, VAC's nine men who
took part in this East Surrey League race on the same two-lap, 5 mile, course were expecting the worst, but ended
up pleasantly surprised as the ground was mainly firm early on up to and including the usually treacherous hill,
and indeed for a little way beyond. However, after that, the course presented typical Lloyd Park winter conditions
with heavy duty shoe sucking, and in places, foul smelling mud interrupted by a few firmer stretches, where it was
possible to pick up the pace. Despite the mixed ground conditions, the runners were rewarded with beautiful spring
sunshine, little wind and mild temperatures, making for a highly enjoyable end of season cross country race, well
organised as usual by Croydon Harriers.
Terry Booth was the first finisher for VAC in a splendid sixth place in the men's race, followed by Mark
Tennyson in ninth. Terry was the first M55 and beat all the M50 runners. Mark was the first M60 despite having to
run in ordinary road shoes having wrecked his spikes in the Nationals at Parliament Hill. Duncan Haughey and Kev
Stroud, both M60, finished in 18th and 26th places, completing VAC's scoring team of four which finished in third
place behind the Croydon clubs who made home advantage count. VAC's team of nine was reduced to eight finishers
when Simon Moore wisely pulled out after a lap with an injury concern. The other team members providing back-up
were Tom Cheetham, Glen Morgan, Mike Mann and Ian McCarthy.
Thanks go to Paddy Clark, VAC's ever-present Surrey League and East Surrey League team manager, who did all the
essential organisation on the day as well as providing great support to team members.

EMAA Indoor Inter-Area Track & Field Challenge, Lee Valley, 16 February

W50 4x200m Relay team, 2nd place:
Nina Ridge, Sharon Dooley,
Rosalind Zeffertt, Virginia Mitchell

M60 4x200m Relay team, 2nd place:
Pat Logan
Jimson Lee
, Adrian Day, Brian Steene

Clare Elms W60 1500m
Sarah Loades W50 200m

Tim Carter M70
Brian Steene M60 Relay

Bilen Ahmet M35
Richard Weekes M60 LJ

Maureen Noel W60
Trevor Jones Winner 2k Walk
Photos from Cliff Hide.
Photo gallery:
EMAA Indoor Inter Area | Flickr
Please credit Cliff and VAC if sharing his photos on social media or posting on websites.
For queries, email him
Here are the
Results of Each Event
Here are the
Team Scores
VAC's men's and women's teams performed strongly at the England Masters Inter Area Challenge for nine Area
Masters clubs at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre. Nine Masters Area Clubs selected their best athletes to
compete in 90 (45 each for the men and women) track and field events in four age bands,
The high quality was evident from the three new age-group World Records achieved
in the match
, one of which was the W60 indoor 1500m World Record of 5:03.1 set by Clare Elms representing VAC in the
W35 race. The other World Records were set by Robert McHarg in the M60 800m and Sarah Roberts in the W75
VAC was a commendable fourth behind winners Midland Masters, second-placed Eastern Masters and third-placed
Southern Counties Vets. VAC's men's team were fourth in their competition but
there were less than forty points between VAC and the winners, Midland Masters. The women were fifth but
another thirty points would have secured second place. VAC had many exceptional performances but gaps in
events and unlucky late withdrawals knocked back the scores.
In the 90 events VAC recorded 13 first places (8 for the men and 5 for the women), 13 second places and 13
third places. This was a magnificent achievement but the team's score was boosted by every single point
gained. Everyone's place counted. Highlights were the double firsts by Sarah Loades (W50 200m and 400m) and
Tim Carter (M70 400m and Long Jump). Sarah also placed second in the 60m Hurdles.
Other splendid outright wins were achieved by six men and three women. Multi-eventer, Bilen Ahmet, won the
M35 Pole Vault, came third in the Shot and scored valuable points in the Long Jump, Triple Jump, High Jump,
800m and 4x200m relay. Alwyn Lombaard won the M50 High Jump with a clearance of 1.65m, as well as placing
second in the 60m Hurdles. Vaughan Ramsay was a convincing winner of the M50 Triple Jump with a leap of
10.39m. On the track, Brian Steene demonstrated his excellent form by winning the M60 60m sprint in 8.17
seconds. He also brought the baton home in the M60 relay team which placed second. In the 200m, Giuseppe
Minetti won the M50 event in 24.86, was third in the 60m and was in the M50 relay team which placed second.
In the 2k Walk, all age bands competed together in the same race. VAC's Trevor Jones (M65) won the men's
race outright in a close contest. He scored maximum points in the M50 category.
As well as the double firsts by Sarah Loades in the W50 200m and 400m, three other VAC women won their
events. Virginia Mitchell won the W60 800m in an excellent time of 2:33.65. Rosalind Zeffertt (W60) won the
W50 Pole Vault with a clearance of 2.41m, the best of all the age groups. Virginia and Rosalind also ran in
the W50 4x200m relay team which placed second. In the 2k Walk, Maureen Noel won the W60 category in a very
close contest with a highly-rated walker from Midland Masters. Maureen had previously run the 1500m and
placed third. Multi-eventer, Nina Ridge, made a great contribution to VAC's score by contesting the W50
60m, High Jump, Triple Jump and Shot, as well as running in VAC's W50 relay team. She achieved two second
places and three third places.

VAC and EMAC Indoor Track and Field Championships, Lee Valley, 9
February 2025

Matt Coffey
Virginia Mitchell 400m

Chris Loudon
Susie McLoughlin 400m

Liz Sissons W80
Fiona Bishop 2K Walk

Nina Ridge Long
Emily Murray Long Jump

Pat Logan (119) Richard Weekes
Anthony Meikle (136) Michael Shortall 60m
Photos from Cliff Hide.
Photo gallery:
VAC Indoor champs 2025 | Flickr
Please credit Cliff and VAC if sharing his photos on social media or posting on websites. For
queries, email him
Here are the Results for Each Event
Here are VAC's Individual Results,
Medallists and Championship Best Performances.
Around 100 VAC members competed in the joint indoor championships with
Eastern Masters AC which attracted a record entry of 320. There were many fine performances including eighteen VAC
Indoor Championship Best Performances. Two were set by John Browne in the M70 60m and 200m and by Michael Shortall
in the M40 60m Hurdles and the Triple Jump. Other men's CBPs were set by Paul Howard (M40 800m), David Williams
(M60 1500m), Matt Coffey (M40 3000m), Martin Leat (M65 3000m), Barry Morris (M65 Long Jump) and Nick Barton (M65
Shot). For the women, CBPs were set by Emily McMahon (W70 60m), Virginia Mitchell (W60 400m), Kat Sutton (W35
800m), Clare Elms (W60 1500m), Fiona Bishop (W65 2000m Walk), Emily Murray (W45 High Jump), Nina Ridge (W50 Long
Jump), Sue Yeomans (W70 Pole Vault) and Liz Sissons (W80 Shot).
VAC's multi-eventers were in good form. Michael Shortall (M40) contested five events and won three Golds and a
Silver. His winning triple jump of 11.10m was the joint best in the event and a VAC CBP. Nina Ridge also contested
five events, winning Golds in the HJ, LJ (also a CBP), Shot and 60m, with Silver in the 60m hurdles. Bilen Ahmet
won Golds in the M40 Shot and Pole Vault and Silvers in the LJ and 60m hurdles. Bilen's winning pole vault of 3.75m
was the highest in the competition.
There are too many excellent performances by VAC members to note them all. Here is a selection. Anthony Meikle's
time of 7.52 seconds in the 60m was the fastest in the competition, winning M40 Gold. In the same event, Brian
Steene was the fastest M60 in a strong field with a time of 8.08. Chris Loudon (M35) was a class apart in the 1500m
with a time of 4:09.61. He also won the 800m outright in 2:03.00. Susie McLoughlin and Liz Amos, two out of three
triplets, were the fastest women over 400m. Susie won Gold in 61.97 and Liz the Silver medal in 61.98. Clare Elms
was tilting for the W60 indoor world record for 1500m but was thwarted in the race by a faller. Her time of 5.11.07
was about six seconds too slow but was easily a VAC CBP. Marathon runner, Bill O'Connor showed his versatility by
winning M75 Golds in the 400m, 800m and 1500m, plus Silvers in the 200m and Shot Put.

Men's Surrey League Cross Country, Lloyd Park, 8 February 2025
Photos from Helen Davies

Some of VAC's team after the race

Peter Lee (1109) Mike
Malcolm Davies (1094) Jim Carrington

Chris Lee

David Greenfield (1134) Andy Murray
A team of 20 tackled the saturated fields, swathes of mud and deep puddles at Lloyd Park in the
final match of the season. The race was the last of the day and the temperature was a chilly four degrees.
The course was the traditional two laps, nearly 5 miles in total, of the park's perimeter, cutting inside to
include the slippery hill and deep water splash. Peter Lee (M55) was VAC's first finisher in 24th position in
Division Four, closely followed by Mike Webber (M55) in an identical time of 36:00. Malcolm Davies was next
with Jim Carrington close behind, both also inside 37 minutes. Bruce McLaren, Duncan Haughey, Pete O'Connell,
Richard Evans, Stewart Bond and Ben Revill completed the scoring team of ten which finished in fourth place
on the day. VAC's full B team of ten, led by Andy Mitchelson, had great strength in depth and finished
second behind high-flying Lingfield Running Club.
The full results at Lloyd Park are on the
Surrey League website
Overall, after four matches, VAC finished a pleasing fourth in Division Four, demonstrating the quality of VAC's
Masters team, comprising runners who are mostly in their fifties and sixties.
Here are the final scores of the 2024/25 season:
Surrey League Cross-Country
Thank you to the 35 men who played a part in VAC's successful season. Seven of them ran in all four matches:
William Brook, Malcolm Davies, Gareth George, Duncan Haughey, Chris Lee, Peter Lee and Andy Mitchelson, Six ran in
three of the matches: Richard Evans, Andy Murray, Ben Revill, Tom Poynton, Clive Walker and Dave West. In the
League's age category awards, VAC's M55-64 runners dominated the season's rankings with the top three places going
to Peter Lee, Malcolm Davies and Duncan Haughey. Duncan was the leading M60 in the list. In the M65+ rankings,
Chris Lee was top of the list, finishing fourth or better in each of his four races.
A massive vote of thanks goes to Paddy Clark, the Team Manager, for organising the team and supplying the material
comforts such as the groundsheets and gazebo for VAC's men and women. Most importantly, he gave the support and
encouragement essential to the great team spirit.
VAC Placings, Division Four, Lloyd
Park |
Pos. |
Time |
Name |
Age Group |
24 |
36:00 |
Peter Lee |
M55 |
25 |
36:00 |
Mike Webber |
M55 |
33 |
36:47 |
Malcolm Davies |
M55 |
34 |
36:51 |
Jim Carrington |
M45 |
40 |
37:43 |
Bruce McLaren |
M55 |
51 |
38:27 |
Duncan Haughey |
M60 |
56 |
39:17 |
Pete O'Connell |
M60 |
65 |
40:44 |
Richard Evans |
M60 |
67 |
40:49 |
Stewart Bond |
M55 |
79 |
42:09 |
Ben Revill |
M55 |
87 |
43:24 |
Andy Mitchelson |
M55 |
95 |
44:16 |
Gareth George |
M55 |
96 |
44:31 |
Tony Harran |
M60 |
102 |
45:31 |
Glen Morgan |
M60 |
113 |
47:10 |
Tom Poynton |
M50 |
114 |
47:21 |
William Brook |
M50 |
118 |
47:56 |
Chris Lee |
M65 |
129 |
50:34 |
Dave West |
M65 |
132 |
52:40 |
David Greenfield |
M65 |
134 |
53:12 |
Andy Murray |
M70 |
134 finishers (316 in combined race) |
Division Four Team Results at Lloyd
Park |
Points |
Overall Pos. |
1 |
Lingfield Running Club |
180 |
1 |
2 |
Elmbridge |
250 |
2 |
3 |
Collingwood |
355 |
3 |
4 |
455 |
4 |
5 |
Dulwich Park Runners |
625 |
6 |
6 |
Sutton Runners |
664.5 |
5 |
7 |
Tri Surrey |
781.5 |
7 |
8 |
Windrush Tri Club |
820 |
8 |
9 |
Waverley AC |
877 |
9 |
10 |
Horley Harriers |
919.5 |
12 |
11 |
Runnymede |
940 |
10 |
12 |
Epsom Oddballs |
973.5 |
11 |
13 |
British Airways |
995.5 |
13 |
14 |
Chessington Unity RC |
1033.5 |
14 |

Women's Surrey League Cross Country, Lloyd Park, 8 February 2025
Photos from Malcolm Davies

Team photo

Strong finish from Team Manager, Helen Davies (1167)

Lynn Howard

Ramona Thevenet
Ten VAC women completed the season's final match on Lloyd Park's usual undulating two-lap, 4.9
mile, course starting near the tram stop. The ground conditions were as bad as Lloyd Park invariably presents in February, with
extensive stretches of sloshy mud and a long deep puddle to splash through with no way round. It was a
bitterly cold day too. Andrea Stehlikova (W40) was VAC's first finisher in 31st position followed by Helen
Davies (W55) in 65th with Ramona Thevenet (W65), Pippa Major (W55) and Jo Quantrill (W65) completing the scoring team which finished 11th on the
day. The B team of Lesley Mill, Vera Blei, Ros Tabor, Lynn Howard and Catherine Porter finished 11th. Lesley
Bowcott (W80) ran one lap of the race and wisely withdrew.
The full results of the Lloyd Park match are on the
Surrey League website.
Overall, after four matches VAC was 9th out of 15 clubs, one position higher than last
Here are the final scores for the 2024/25 season: Surrey League Women's Div 2 Season's
Thank you to the 20 women who ran for VAC in the season. Everyone scored in either the A or B
teams. Ramona Thevenet and Vera Blei ran in all four matches. Andrea Stehlikova, Lucy Woolhouse, Sue Dixon, Pippa Major, Ros Tabor, Sally Carr, Helen Davies
and Lesley Mill ran in three of them. Lucy Woolhouse
(W60) topped the list in the Surrey League's Over 55 category in the age group
rankings. Ros Tabor (W70) was third in the Over 65 rankings.
A special thank you also goes to Helen Davies, the Team Manager, who did a great job at every
match, organising the team and providing support and encouragement to all, as well as competing herself.
VAC Placings, Div. Two, Lloyd Park,
8 February 2025 |
Pos. |
Time |
Name |
Age Group |
31 |
39:56 |
Andrea Stehlikova |
W40 |
65 |
43:11 |
Helen Davies |
W55 |
101 |
47:24 |
Ramona Thevenet |
W65 |
102 |
47:27 |
Pippa Major |
W55 |
106 |
47:36 |
Jo Quantrill |
W65 |
115 |
49:21 |
Lesley Mill |
W55 |
122 |
50:55 |
Vera Blei |
W50 |
129 |
53:01 |
Ros Tabor |
W75 |
138 |
54:34 |
Lynn Howard |
W65 |
150 |
57:37 |
Catherine Porter |
W55 |
155 finishers in Div 2 (248 in combined race with Div
3) |

VAC Cross Country Championships and Masters Open race, Wimbledon Common, 18 January

The start of the race featuring race winner David Sharman (80) and women's champion, Clare Elms (37)

David Sharman race
Clare Elms Women's Champion

Rich Berry 2nd
Nicola Richmond

Lynn Wilson 1st
Martin Leat 1st M65

Fiona Bishop
Photos from Cliff Hide.
Photo gallery:
VAC Cross Country Championships Wimbledon Common 18/01/2025 | Flickr
Please credit Cliff and VAC if sharing his photos on social media or posting on websites. Cliff
has more and is happy to supply JPEG copies to competitors. Email him
Here are the
Individual Results
Here are the Category
Here are the
Results showing the Medallists
There were 73 on the start line for VAC's open cross country championships on Wimbledon Common. The weather was
overcast and cold, with the temperature not above 5 degrees. In the morning, it had not been possible to set the
usual course because the loop around the Queensmere had been blocked off without warning by the Common's Rangers
for clearance and drainage work on the pond. The course therefore missed out this section on both laps, making a
difference of about 600metres to the total distance. The revised course was around 6.9km.
The race was led from the start by David Sharman (M40) of Wimbledon Windmilers in a time of 24:57. Rich Berry (M50)
stayed in touch but was thirty seconds behind at the finish. He was rewarded by becoming VAC's Men's Champion and
the M50 Gold medallist. Craig Jackson (M50) had a fine run in third place, a minute ahead of Eric Doll, the M35
Gold medallist. The main field then streamed in, led by Mark Tennyson (M60 Gold medal) in 5th, followed by Muhamud
Haile (M55 Gold medal) and Martin Edwards (M45 Gold medal). Other Gold medals for age-group bests were won by
Martin Leat (M65), Richard Turner (M70), Mike Mann (M75) and Peter Giles (M80).
Clare Elms (W60) was the first woman with a fine run which placed her 8th in the race in a time of 27:43. Clare won
VAC's Women's Champion's trophy as well as the W60 trophy and Gold medal. Mariana Marques (W35) of Clapham Chasers
was the second woman, nearly 30 seconds behind, with Susan McDonald (W55) running well to place third, also winning
VAC's women's W55 trophy. Other Gold medals were won by Lucy Hancock (W40), Victoria Buck (W50), Rebecca Pickard
(W45), Lynn Wilson (W65) and Jane Georghiou (W70). Lynn also won VAC's W65 trophy.

Women's Surrey League Cross Country, Oxshott Woods, 11 January 2025
Photos from Malcolm Davies

Lucy Woolhouse,
Anna Garnier

Sally Carr

Helen Davies leads Maggie
Catherine Porter
The full results are on the
Surrey League website.
A good turnout of eleven VAC women competed in the season's third fixture at Oxshott on a challenging woodland
course which had plenty of ups and downs and tree root trip hazards. The women's race was the last of the day and
the fading winter sunshine barely lifted the temperature above 3 degrees. The course was the same as the men's,
comprising one short lap and two long laps, 4.8 miles in total. Lucy Woolhouse (W60) was VAC's first finisher in
36th position in Division Two, followed by Sue Dixon (W55), Helen Davies (W55), Sally Carr (W50) and Anna Garnier
(W70) scoring for the A team. Ramona Thevenet, Gina Coulson, Lesley Mill, Vera Blei and Ros Tabor completed the B
team, backed up by Catherine Porter who finished just two seconds behind Ros.
VAC's A team was 11th out of 15 on the day in Division Two and is 9th overall after three matches. The B team was
10th. Lucy Woolhouse was the first W60 in the combined race for Divisions 2 and 3. She is also the leading W60
VAC Placings, Div. Two, Oxshott, 11
January 2025 |
Pos. |
Time |
Name |
Age Group |
36 |
36:14 |
Lucy Woolhouse |
W60 |
56 |
37:17 |
Sue Dixon |
W55 |
95 |
40:52 |
Helen Davies |
W55 |
113 |
42:04 |
Sally Carr |
W50 |
117 |
42:21 |
Anna Garnier |
W70 |
118 |
42:21 |
Ramona Thevenet |
W65 |
122 |
42:52 |
Gina Coulson |
W65 |
136 |
44:03 |
Lesley Mill |
W55 |
142 |
44:55 |
Vera Blei |
W50 |
156 |
47:20 |
Ros Tabor |
W75 |
157 |
47:22 |
Catherine Porter |
W55 |
177 finishers in Div 2 (290 in combined race with Div
3) |

Men's Surrey League Cross Country, Oxshott Woods, 11 January 2025
Photos from Maggie Statham-Berry, Helen Davies and Ian Strong

Most of VAC's men's team before the race

Chris Lee (1108) and Gareth George (1099)

Peter Lee, first
Duncan Haughey, first M60

Ian Butler
The full results are on the
Surrey League website.
temperature was around 3 degrees but calm conditions and winter sunshine made the race a pleasant experience in
Oxshott's beautiful woods and heathland, with many commenting that the notorious tree roots didn't seem so bad this
year. The sharp hill on the two long laps was as steep as ever though.
Nineteen men represented VAC, making everyone a scorer in the A or B
The A team was missing some of the recent high scorers and finished seventh on the day (sixth equal on points) with
no one younger than 55 in the scoring team of ten. Overall, after three fixtures, the A
team have slipped into fourth place behind Collingwood but have
a decent lead over fifth placed Sutton Runners. A good turnout at the final match at Lloyd Park is needed to
challenge for third and make sure of at least fourth.
Peter Lee (M55) was first for VAC
finishing in 30th position in Division 4. He was followed by Duncan Haughey who was the first M60 in Division 4,
Malcolm Davies (M55), Vic Maughn (M60) and Richard Evans (M60), all under 36 minutes on the 4.8 mile course. Ben
Revill, Stewart Bond, Ian Butler, Bruce McLaren and Gareth George completed the scoring A team. VAC’s remaining
runners, led by Clive Walker, pushed for every place to score for the B team which placed third in its
VAC Placings, Division Four,
Oxshott |
Pos. |
Time |
Name |
Age Group |
30 |
32:53 |
Peter Lee |
M55 |
42 |
34:19 |
Duncan Haughey |
M60 |
47 |
34:45 |
Malcolm Davies |
M55 |
51 |
35:00 |
Vic Maughn |
M60 |
64 |
35:40 |
Richard Evans |
M60 |
82 |
36:59 |
Ben Revill |
M55 |
93 |
37:32 |
Stewart Bond |
M55 |
104 |
38:12 |
Ian Butler |
M60 |
114 |
39:44 |
Bruce McLaren |
M55 |
125 |
40:15 |
Gareth George |
M55 |
128 |
40:31 |
Clive Walker |
M65 |
129 |
40:33 |
Chris Lee |
M65 |
135 |
40:58 |
Andy Mitchelson |
M55 |
146 |
42:03 |
Mike Mann |
M75 |
151 |
42:35 |
William Brook |
M50 |
157 |
43:36 |
Dave West |
M65 |
165 |
44:40 |
David Greenfield |
M65 |
174 |
47:26 |
Andy Murray |
M70 |
181 |
50:36 |
Dan Maskell |
M75 |
186 finishers (386 in combined race) |
Division Four Team Results at Oxshott |
Points |
Overall Pos. |
1 |
Lingfield Running Club |
180 |
2 |
2 |
Elmbridge |
203 |
1 |
3 |
Collingwood |
442 |
3 |
4 |
Dulwich Park Runners |
622 |
7 |
5 |
Sutton Runners |
639 |
5 |
6 |
Runnymede |
698 |
11 |
7 |
698 |
4 |
8 |
Tri Surrey |
781 |
6 |
9 |
Windrush Tri Club |
783 |
10 |
10 |
Epsom Oddballs |
810 |
9 |
11 |
Waverley AC |
826 |
8 |
12 |
Horley Harriers |
1003 |
12 |
13 |
Chessington Unity RC |
1077 |
14 |
14 |
British Airways |
1108 |
13 |
