Results for January to June 2023
- VAC 10km Road
Championships, Richmond 10k, 25 June 2023 29-06-23
- VAC 5,000m Masters
Championships, Tooting Bec Athletics Track, 21 June
2023 27-06-23
- VAC 5 Km Road Walk
Championship, 6 June 2023, Battersea Park 9-06-23
- VAC 5 Km Road Championship, 6 June 2023, Battersea Park 12-06-23
- Cecil Gittins Memorial Walks, Cyclopark, Gravesend,
Sunday 4 June 2023 4-06-23
- Richmond Parkrun, 20 May
2023 21-05-23
- VAC 5m Road Championship - Battersea Park,
9 May 2023 14-05-23
- VAC 5m Road Walk Championship - Battersea Park, 9 May 2023 14-05-23
- VAC 5K Road Race - Battersea Park, 4 April 2023 9-05-23
- VAC 5K Road Walk - Battersea Park, 4 April 2023 7-04-23
- East Surrey League Road Race, Ewell, 30 March 2023 6-04-23
- World Masters Athletics Indoor Championships, Torun, Poland, 26 March–1 April
2023 15-04-23
- VAC and EMAC Indoor Track and Field Championships, Lee Valley, 26 March
2023 31-03-23
- EMAA Inter-Area Cross Country Challenge and East Surrey League, Lloyd Park, 4 March
2023 12-03-23
- EMAA Indoor Inter-Area Track & Field Challenge, Lee Valley, 26 February
2023 3-03-23
- Men's Surrey League Cross Country, Morden Park, 11 February 2023 15-02-23
- Ladies Surrey League Cross Country, Morden Park, 11 February
2023 13-02-23
- Nonsuch Parkrun 5k, 4 February 2023 5-02-23
- VAC Cross Country Championships and Masters Open race, Wimbledon Common, 21 January
2023 27-01-23
- Men's Surrey League Cross Country, Chobham Common, 14 January 2023 18-01-23
- Ladies Surrey League Cross Country, Chobham Common, 14 January
2023 17-01-23
VAC 10km Road Championships, Richmond 10k, 25 June 2023
Here are the VAC results
and medallists.
64 VAC members took part in the Ranelagh Harriers Richmond 10k which was also VAC's 2023 10k road championship
and Surrey County's 10k championship. The popular two-lap race was held partly on the Thames towpath alongside
Teddington Lock. It had 474 finishers who braved the sapping heat, with temperatures approaching 30 degrees by mid
Andy Bond (M45) was VAC's first finisher in a time of 33:55. He was a magnificent fifth overall and second in
the race's M40-49 age category. He was followed in sixth place by Ben Goddard (M35) in 34:01. A high placing of
11th was achieved by Bryn Reynolds (M35) with a time of 34:32. April James-Welsh (W45) was VAC's first woman and
7th in the women's race in a time of 39:47. Debbie Jackson (W50) was VAC's second woman in 40:16, coming 10th in
the women's race.
VAC members dominated the race's age group awards. Club members made a clean sweep in the W45-54 age category
with April James-Welsh, Debbie Jackson and Ginevra Stoneley taking the Gold, Silver and Bronze medals. In the
W55-64 category, Sue McDonald won Silver and Anna Critchlow won Bronze. In the W65+ category, Jo Quantrill was a
clear winner, taking the Gold medal with a fine time of 49:46. Jane Rowden (W70) won the Bronze medal in this
category. For the men, Joseph Gonzalez-Armas (M50) won Silver in the M50-59 category. In the M60-69 category, David
Ogden and Steve Corfield won Gold and Silver medals. Jon Scott-Francis won Silver in the M70+ category.
In addition to the first-place, Gold medal winners above, VAC Golds were won by Andrew Simpson (M40), Alastair
Bloore (M55), Peter Hall (M65), Eddie Thorpe (M75), Madeleine Armstrong-Plieth (W40), Susanna Harrison (W60) and
Sue Garner (W75).

VAC 5,000m Masters Championships, Tooting Bec Athletics Track, 21 June

The start of Race 4, featuring the race winner, Chris Loudon (36)

Nikki Sturzaker (56), Women's Champion Chris Loudon, Men's Champion

Peter Giles (23), Brian O'Kane (40) Julia Chi Taylor

Martin Daoud, winner of R2 Lucy Woolhouse, Mike Forder

Jonathon Moore, winner of R3 Anna Critchlow, W55 Gold

Ben Paviour, M50 Gold Mark Cursons, M60 Gold
Photos from Cliff Hide. Cliff has more photos and is happy to supply J-Peg copies
to competitors.
Email him at
Here are
Results of each Race
Here are
Combined Results
showing the
VAC’s 5000m Championship was held
at Tooting Bec’s newly re-laid athletics track, which promised fast times, although the evening’s climate was
unhelpfully hot and sultry. There were 54 finishers, spread over four races.
Peter Giles (M75) won the first
race in 22:20.37 by tracking Jerry Lockspeiser (M70) and holding off Brian O'Kane (M55). Julia Chi Taylor (W60),
after a 10 year break from the track, was the first woman in 23:02.85
In the second race, Martin Daoud
(M60) was the clear winner in 19:36.07. Clare Norris (W45) was the first woman in 20:50.85, with fast finishing
Lucy Woolhouse (W60) just a second behind in 20:51.60.
Jonathan Moore (M50) won the
third race in 18:01.25, eleven seconds ahead of a chasing pack of Joseph Wilkes (M45), Tony Tuohy (M60) and
Jonathan Ratcliffe (M55). Nikki Sturzaker (W45) continued her fine form and was awarded the women's Champion’s
Trophy as the fastest on the day with a time of 18:37.03.
The final race was seeded with
the fastest runners and highly competitive. Chris Loudon (M35) was a convincing winner in 15:30.92, claiming the
trophy for VAC’s Men's Champion. Ben Paviour was second in 16:12.47, winning the M50 gold medal and leading a
group of six men under 17 minutes. Mark Cursons won the M60 gold medal in a magnificent time of 17:20.92 which
puts him at the top of 2023’s national M60 rankings for 5000 metres.
Other championship gold medals
were awarded to Jeff Cunningham (M40), Ben Millar (M45), Mark Tennyson (M55), Peter Hall (M65) and Mike Forder
(M70). For the women, Golds were awarded to Alexandra Marginean (W35), Nikki Sturzaker (W45), Anna Critchlow
(W55) and Lucy Woolhouse (W60).

VAC 5 Km Road Walk Championship, 6 June
, Battersea Park

Maureen Noel, W55 Gold Sian Baum, W55 Silver

Melanie Peddle, 1st Woman Fiona Bishop, W60 Gold
Photos from Cliff Hide. Cliff has more photos and is happy to supply J-Peg copies
to competitors.
Email him at
Veterans AC 5k Road Walk Championships - Battersea Park, 6 June 2023
Fixture III
RWA Permit No RWA Permit 23025-3
The third of the regular Battersea Park races had an average field this time in suitably cool racing
Coming in as men’s winner was Dave Annetts from N Herts RR in a fast time about a minute outside his personal
The ladies’ winner for the second time running was Melanie Peddle from Loughton AC, in a good time a few seconds
outside her personal best.
Dave and Melanie had also participated in the testing Cecil Gittins Memorial Walks (10k) only two days
Ever presents Maureen Noel (Belgrave H) and Fiona Bishop (Woking AC) did their usual creditable times.
Place |
Name |
Age Group |
Club |
Time |
Cat Pos |
Gender |
1 |
David Annetts |
M55 |
N Herts Road Runners/Veterans AC |
23:59 |
1 |
Male |
2 |
Melanie Peddle |
W50 |
Loughton AC/EMAC |
28:20 |
1 |
Female |
3 |
Penelope Cummings |
W45 |
Herne Hill Harriers/Veterans AC |
31:12 |
1 |
Female |
4 |
Maureen Noel |
W55 |
Belgrave Harriers/Veterans AC |
31:55 |
1 |
Female |
5 |
Fiona Bishop |
W60 |
Woking AC/Veterans AC |
32:30 |
1 |
Female |
6 |
Sian Baum |
W55 |
Herne Hill Harriers/Veterans AC |
34:15 |
2 |
Female |
7 |
David Hoben |
M70 |
SyWC/Veterans AC |
38:31 |
1 |
Male |
8 |
Christopher Flint |
M75 |
SyWC/Veterans AC |
39:06 |
1 |
Male |
Peter Hannell |
M80 |
SyWC/Veterans AC |
Stuart Bennett |
M60 |
Ilford AC/Veterans AC |
Artur Olszewski |
M40 |
Veterans AC |
Officials: Race Director and Starter: Ben Noad
Clerk of Course: Dennis Williams
UKA Adjudicator: Malcolm French
Timekeepers: David Harris
Recorders: Ian Isherwood, Carl Lawton, Maggie Statham-Berry
Walk Judge: Shaun Lightman
Registration: David Hoben, Maggie Statham-Berry, Ros Tabor, Lucy Woolhouse
Marshals: Martin Berry, Malcolm Davies, Tony Harran, Andy Murray, Richard Stansfield, Ros Tabor, Dennis Williams,
Lucy Woolhouse
Lead Bike: Henry Murdoch
Results: Race Timing Solutions
Photography: Cliff Hide
First Aid: Bespoke Medics Ltd

VAC 5 Km Road Championship, 6 June
, Battersea Park

Peter Lighting, Race Winner Gabriel Carnwath, Women's Winner

Neil Danby, 1st VAC Penny Elliott, W80 Gold

Jay Hadfield Bruce Poll

Joe Aspinall, M85 Gold Caroline Helder, W60 Silver
Photos from Cliff Hide. Cliff has more photos and is happy to supply J-Peg copies
to competitors.
Email him at
Here are the Results of
the 5K Championship
road race, including the category positions and medallists (PDF file).
VAC’s third race of the summer series was the Open Masters 5K championships which produced fine racing on a course
renowned for fast times. In cool conditions, five course records were broken.
The 94 finishers were led home by Peter Lighting (M40) of Kent AC in a time of 16:18, closely followed throughout
by a pack of three who charged over the line a second apart. Neil Danby’s power and determination carried him into
second place in a time of 16:25, four seconds inside his own M55 course record set in April. Tom Hollis (M35) of
Lonely Goat AC was third in 16:26, with Simon Shaw (M50) on his shoulder in 16:27. Simon’s time was just four
seconds slower than his own course record set in April. The trophy for the first VAC member was won by Neil Danby.
First in the other age groups were Ben Millar (M45), Steve Corfield (M60), Merlin Allan (M65), Mike Forder (M70),
Liam O’Hare (M75), Peter Torre (M80) and Joe Aspinall (M85).
Gabriel Carnwath (W40) of Sutton Striders was the women’s winner in a time of 17:28 which sets a new all-comers’
W40 course record and an outright record time in VAC’s 5K races. The previous best of 18:07 had been set by April
James-Welsh (W40) in June 2021. April still holds the record for VAC members. Gabriel’s sub-18-minute performance
was followed by another, as the second-placed woman, Caoimhe Nic Fhogartaigh of Kent AC, stormed home in 17:47 to
set a new all-comers’ W45 record. Nichola Evans (W40) was third, closely followed by Natasha Sheel (W35) and first
VAC woman, Nikki Sturzaker (W45). In the W60 age group, Jacky Balfour claimed Gold with a time of 20:13 which broke
her own course record of 20:24 set in April. To continue the quality, a superb new W80 course record was set by
Penny Elliott who also holds the W75 record. Penny’s time of 29:02 shattered Pam Jones’s W80 record of 31:17 set in
2016. Other Gold medals for age-group firsts were won by Susan Dixon (W55), Anna Garnier (W65) and Jane Georghiou

Cecil Gittins Memorial Walks, Cyclopark,
Gravesend, Sunday 4 June

The Start (courtesy of Ron Wallwork)
8th Cecil Gittins Memorial Walks, incorporating Enfield Race Walking League
Cyclopark, Gravesend, 4 June 2023
Veterans AC 2.5k/5k/10k road race
Permit No: RWA23031-1 Category B
2.5k |
F |
1 |
Ellin Wilson |
U13G |
Ashford AC |
14:36 |
5k |
F |
1 |
Abigail Jennings |
U23W |
Aldershot, Farnham & District |
25:18 |
2 |
Jessica Wilton |
U17W |
Ashford AC |
27:39 |
3 |
Lola-Mae Billingham |
U17W |
Aldershot, Farnham & District |
30:40 |
4 |
Paula Elmslie |
U20W |
Ashford AC |
36:24 |
5 |
Shaheda Arthur |
W60 |
Ilford AC |
54:57 |
M |
1 |
Christopher Hobbs |
M65 |
Ashford AC |
33:28 |
2 |
Tony Wilkinson |
M60 |
Unattached |
34:25 |
3 |
David Hoben |
M70 |
Surrey Walking Club |
39:15 |
4 |
Edmund Shillabeer |
M80 |
Ilford AC |
45:14 |
5 |
Dave Ainsworth |
M70 |
Ilford AC |
48:29 |
10k |
F |
1 |
Grazia Manzotti |
W50 |
Tonbridge AC |
56:51 |
2 |
Jacqueline Benson |
U23W |
Ashford AC |
1:01:44 |
3 |
Sue Davies |
W55 |
Aldershot, Farnham & District |
1:10:29 |
4 |
Katherine Smith |
W55 |
Aldershot, Farnham & District |
1:14:35 |
5 |
Noel Blatchford |
W75 |
Abingdon |
1:15:33 |
Melanie Peddle |
W50 |
Loughton AC |
(3+ laps completed) |
M |
1 |
Jonathan Hobbs |
Ashford AC |
51:43 |
2 |
David Annetts |
M55 |
North Herts RR |
51:47 |
3 |
Ian Richards |
M75 |
Steyning AC |
56:13 |
4 |
Colin Harle |
M60 |
Belgrave Harriers |
1:04:54 |
5 |
John Arthur |
M60 |
Ilford AC |
1:07:11 |
6 |
Simon Morgan |
M55 |
Ilford AC |
1:07:19 |
7 |
John Borgars |
M75 |
Loughton AC |
1:07:40 |
8 |
Christopher Flint |
M75 |
Surrey Walking Club |
1:21:45 |
Stuart Bennett |
M60 |
Ilford AC |
Judges: Shaun Lightman (Chief), Elizabeth Benson, Simon Benson
Starter: David Hoben
Time keeping: Andrew Garner, Pam Ficken
Lap recording: Carl Lawton
Hospitality: Cyclopark, Gravesend
First Aid: Medical Despatch
Veterans AC were pleased to host the eighth running of this event on a dedicated cycle circuit with
its many gradients and bends, which has hosted Olympic BMX champion Beth Shriever. In all there were 26 paid
entries which was an increase from 2022. The weather was picture perfect, with a cooling breeze on the exposed
There was a new winner of the ladies 5k, Abigail Jennings (AFD) in 25:18, Abigail was also the
overall winner for the first time. The men's 5k was won for the 2nd year running by the present RWA President,
Chris Hobbs (Ashford AC) in a fine time of 33:28.
The new winner of the ladies’ 10k was Grazia Manzotti (Tonbridge AC) in 56:51, just a few seconds
short of her personal best.
There was also a new winner of the men’s 10k, Jonathan Hobbs from Ashford AC in 51:43, after a long
battle with Dave Annetts (N Herts RR) close on his heels. Olympian Ian Richards was in third place, looking forward
to this year's harvest of medals, now in new M75 age group.
There were two newbies from Ashford AC, Ellin Wilson and Paula Elmslie, who did well on the testing
With the upturn in the weather, it probably wasn't a PB scenario, however Kathy Smith (AFD) managed
Jonathan Hobbs, winner of last year's UK Centurion 100 miles event presented the prizes, which were
QPR souvenirs to honour Cecil Gittins football club.

Richmond Parkrun, 20 May 2023

Maggie Statham-Berry, Nicky Atkins, Richard Evans, Stewart Bond, Lisa Thomas, Ros Tabor, Andy
Richmond Park was the venue for the latest VAC Parkrun meet-up. Seven members enjoyed good
conditions with the sun coming out and little wind. The course is one lap starting with a long downhill on a tarmac
path, then a short flat stretch on a road which is now closed to traffic, and finally back up on a slightly
undulating trail. We were mentioned in the race briefing, and some runners came and talked about the club after the
Richard, Lisa, Maggie and Andy were 1st in their age categories, and Ros had the highest age
grading of the day.
25 |
Richard |
Evans |
Hercules |
Wimbledon |
1st |
MV60 |
20:25 |
79.27% |
33 |
Stewart |
Bond |
Hercules |
Wimbledon |
6th |
MV50 |
21:02 |
72.42% |
48 |
Lisa |
Thomas |
Hercules |
Wimbledon |
1st |
WV55 |
21:52 |
85.06% |
115 |
Nicky |
Atkins |
Kingston |
& Poly |
3rd |
WV55 |
25:09 |
75.02% |
176 |
Ros |
Tabor |
Dulwich |
2nd |
WV70 |
27:06 |
86.41% |
187 |
Maggie |
Statham |
Lingfield |
1st |
WV65 |
27:30 |
79.64% |
196 |
Andy |
Murray |
Dulwich |
1st |
MV70 |
27:42 |
63.66% |
The next Parkrun meet-up will be in September. It will be a good opportunity to meet fellow members
in a more informal running event. Don’t forget to check the fixture list.

VAC 5 Mile Road Championship, 9 May 2023,
Battersea Park

The Start

Andy Bond, Race
Kay Sheedy, Women's Winner

Neil Danby (23), Andrew Ridley
Steve Winder, M50 Gold

Avril Riddell, W65
Jane Georghiou, W70 Gold

Margaret Deighton, W65
Merlin Allan, M65 Gold
Photos from Cliff Hide. Cliff has more photos and is happy to supply J-Peg copies
to competitors.
Email him at
The results are at this link:
Here are the Results of
the 5 Mile Championship road race, including the medallists.
Most of the 94 finishers in VAC’s 5 Mile championships completed their race before the skies darkened and the
rain fell heavily. With the help of chip timing, the medals ceremony took place promptly under the shelter of the
Andy Bond (M45) from Dulwich Runners was the race winner, successfully defending his Five Mile Champion’s title.
His time of 26:08 was just five seconds short of his winning time of 26:03 in 2022. Kay Sheedy (W35), also from
Dulwich Runners, was VAC’s women’s Champion. She stormed round the 3.5 lap course in a time of 29:49 to shatter
Bernadine Pritchett’s W35 record of 30:58 set in June 2005.
The cool conditions and strong competition contributed to impressive times on the night, including six new
course records. Ten men were under 28 minutes. Ben Goddard in second place in 26:35 set a new M35 record, beating
Mohammed Ismail’s 2016 record of 26:59. In fifth place, Steve Winder claimed M50 Gold in a record-breaking time of
26:57, improving Richard Tomlinson’s record of 27:29 set in 2019. Simon Shaw, in seventh place, was the M50 Silver
medallist in a time of 27:19 which was also inside the previous record. Another age-group battle took place between
two top M55s, Neil Danby and Andrew Ridley. Neil was pursued relentlessly by Andrew but pulled away on the last lap
to claim eighth place in 27:35, with Andrew finishing tenth in 27:53. Neil’s time was an M55 record, twelve seconds
ahead of Gary Ironmonger’s record of 27:47 set in 2018. Other age-group winners were Stephen Fabes (M40), David
Ogden (M60), Merlin Allan (M65), Ged Ruffle (M70), Edward Thorpe (M75) and Michael Johnson (M80).
For the women, Nikki Sturzaker had a fine run in second place. Her time of 30:25 broke VAC’s longstanding W45
record of 30:44 set by Danielle Sanderson in 2008. Nikki’s late charge pipped Nichola Evans on the line but
Nichola’s identical time of 30:25 was an allcomers’ W40 record, ahead of the VAC W40 record of 30:37 set by Marilyn
Clarke way back in 1997. Other age group winners were Susan McDonald (W55), Caroline Helder (W60), Avril Riddell
(W65) and Jane Georghiou (W70).

VAC 5m Road Walk Championship - Battersea Park, 9
May 2023

Melanie Peddle, race winner Stefano Zennaro

Glen Keegan Penelope Cummings
Photos from Cliff Hide. Cliff has more photos and is happy to
supply J-Peg copies to competitors.
Email him at
Veterans AC 5M Road Walk -
Battersea Park, 9 May 2023 |
Fixture II |
RWA Permit No RWA Permit 23025-2 |
Place |
Name |
Age Group |
Club |
Time |
Cat Pos |
Gender |
1 |
Melanie Peddle |
W50 |
Loughton AC/EMAC |
45:45 |
1 |
Female |
2 |
Stefano Zennaro |
M50 |
Belgrave Harriers |
48:32 |
1 |
Male |
3 |
Penelope Cummings |
W45 |
Herne Hill Harriers/Veterans AC |
51:16 |
1 |
Female |
4 |
Stuart Bennett |
M60 |
Ilford AC/Veterans AC |
51:31 |
1 |
Male |
5 |
Maureen Noel |
W55 |
Belgrave Harriers/Veterans AC |
52:16 |
1 |
Female |
6 |
Glen Keegan |
M55 |
Herne Hill Harriers/Veterans AC |
57:23 |
1 |
Male |
7 |
Sian Baum |
W55 |
Herne Hill Harriers/Veterans AC |
58:11 |
2 |
Female |
8 |
Morris |
W60 |
Ilford AC/Veterans AC |
58:26 |
1 |
Female |
9 |
David Hoben |
M70 |
SyWC/Veterans AC |
1:01:13 |
1 |
Male |
10 |
Artur Olszewski |
M40 |
Veterans AC |
1:03:05 |
1 |
Male |
Peter Hannell |
M75 |
SyWC/Veterans AC |
Christopher Flint |
M75 |
SyWC/Veterans AC |
David Annetts |
M55 |
N Herts Road Runners/Veterans AC |
The second of the regular Battersea Park races had an average field this time in cool racing conditions, the
predicted rain only coming in towards the closing stages for the later finishing competitors.
The ladies’ and overall winner was Melanie Peddle from Loughton AC, in a good time little different
from her personal best, her first win at this event.
Coming in as men’s winner was Stefano Zennaro from Belgrave Harriers in a very respectable
Glen Keegan, from Herne Hill Harriers, was the only person to achieve a personal best, paring his
time at an Enfield League meeting by nearly 5 minutes.
We were pleased to welcome Sian Baum (Herne Hill Harriers) for the first time at this event, no
stranger to shorter track events, she achieved a respectable time on the road. VAC wish Sian good luck in her race
walking career.
We were also pleased to welcome back Artur Olszewski (VAC) who achieved a time only seconds slower
than the same event in 2022.
Officials: Race Director and Starter: Ben Noad
Clerk of Course: Dennis Williams
UKA Adjudicator: Malcolm French
Timekeepers: David Harris, Don Turner
Recorders: Helen Davies, Colin Harris, Ian Isherwood, Carl Lawton and Maggie Statham-Berry
Walk Judge: Shaun Lightman
Registration: Helen Davies, David Hoben, Maggie Statham-Berry, Ros Tabor
Marshals: Joe Aspinall, Martin Berry, Stephanie Burchill, Malcolm Davies, Tony Harran, Andy Murray, Liam O'Hare,
Richard Stansfield, Dennis Williams
Lead Bike: Henry Murdoch
Results: Race Timing Solutions
Photography: Cliff Hide
First Aid: Bespoke Medics Ltd

VAC 5K Road Race - Battersea Park, 4 April 2023

The start

Andy Bond, race winner Melissah Gibson, women's winner

Nikki Sturzaker, W45 Record Neil Danby (22), M55 Record

Alastair Bloore (7), Gavin Englefield (26) Helen Davies (24), John Foss (29)

Ged Ruffle, 1st M70 Pippa Major
Photos from Cliff Hide. Cliff has more photos and is happy to
supply J-Peg copies to competitors.
Email him at
Here are the Results of
VAC's Masters 5k, Battersea Park, 4 April 2023.
Exactly 100 runners competed in VAC's first race of the summer series. Fierce competition and cool, still,
conditions helped to produce some fine performances, including five age-group course records. Andy Bond dominated
the race to win in a time of 15:51, rewriting Richard Tomlinson's M45 record of 16:17 which had stood since 2014.
Tim Jenns (M45) chased hard for second place and his time of 16:10 was also inside the old record. Seven men were
inside 16:30 including Simon Shaw (16:23) who improved Mike Boyle's M50 record of 16:34 which had stood since 2012.
Neil Danby (16:29) was a convincing first in the M55 age group and took four seconds off his own course record of
16:33 set in 2021. Other age category winners were Adam Holland (M35), Gary McKivett (M40), David Ogden (M60), John
Barron (M65), Ged Ruffle (M70), Eddie Thorpe (M75) and Peter Torre (M80).
Melissah Gibson (W35) of Ealing Eagles was the women's winner in a time of 18:10, setting an all-comers W35
course record, just five seconds quicker than Bernie Pritchett's W35 record of 18:15 for VAC members set in 2006.
Nikki Sturzaker (W45) was the second woman, followed in quick succession by fellow W45s, Ginevra Stoneley and April
James-Welsh. Nikki's time of 18:16 knocked nearly thirty seconds off Debbie Jackson's W45 course record of 18:43
set in June 2021. Ginevra and April's times were also inside the old record. Other age-group winners were Hayley
Cargill (W40), Chloe Constantine (W50), Vikki Filsell (W55), Sarah Gill (W60), Avril Riddell (W65) and Heather
Allen (W70).

VAC 5K Road Walk - Battersea Park, 4 April

Dave Annetts, Race Winner Stefano Zennaro

Fiona Bishop David Walsh
Photos from Cliff Hide. Cliff has more photos and is happy to
supply J-Peg copies to competitors.
Email him at
The first of the regular Battersea Park races had an average field in perfect weather, the number of paid
entries was the highest for some time. There was plenty of sunshine and little wind.
The men's winner was Dave Annetts, from North Herts RR, with a new personal best who had achieved two silver
medals for his age group at the World Masters in Torun Poland only a few days earlier.
Maureen Noel (Belgrave) came first for the ladies in her usual creditable time.
VAC were pleased to welcome back Mark Culshaw and Stefano Zennaro back to the start line after a long absence,
and look forward to many more appearances from both.
In particular Fiona Bishop gave a good account of herself only 2 days after her performance in a very cold Paris
Marathon where she also did well, and Lesley Morris achieved a good time taking into account her fracture sustained
at an Enfield meeting a few weeks earlier, good luck with the recovery from all of us.
Officials: Race Director: Ben Noad
Clerk of Course: Andy Murray, Mike Mann
UKA Adjudicator: Malcolm French
Starter: Ben Noad
Timekeepers: David Harris, Don Turner
Recorders: Stephanie Burchill, Ian Isherwood, Carl Lawton, Maggie Statham-Berry and Ros Tabor
Walk Judges: Shaun Lightman
Registration: Malcolm Davies, David Hoben and Maggie Statham-Berry
Marshals: Joe Aspinall, Martin Berry, Malcolm Davies, Andy Murray, Richard Stansfield
Lead Bike: Henry Murdoch
Results: Ben Noad
Photography: Cliff Hide
First Aid: Bespoke Medics Ltd
Veterans AC 5K Road Walk - Battersea Park, 4
April 2023 |
RWA Permit No RWA Permit 23025-1 |
Place |
Name |
Age Group |
Club |
Time |
1 |
David Annetts |
M55 |
N Herts Road Runners/Veterans AC |
22:58 |
2 |
Stefano Zennaro |
M50 |
Belgrave Harriers |
30:04 |
3 |
David Walsh |
M60 |
30:12 |
4 |
Maureen Noel |
W55 |
Belgrave Harriers/Veterans AC |
31:12 |
5 |
Mark Culshaw |
M55 |
Belgrave Harriers |
31:23 |
6 |
Stuart Bennett |
M60 |
Ilford AC/Veterans AC |
31:51 |
7 |
Fiona Bishop |
W60 |
Woking AC/Veterans AC |
33:20 |
8 |
Morris |
W60 |
Ilford AC/Veterans AC |
37:04 |
9 |
David Hoben |
M70 |
SyWC/Veterans AC |
39:11 |
10 |
Christopher Flint |
M75 |
SyWC/Veterans AC |
39:37 |
Colin Harle |
M60 |
Belgrave Harriers/EMAC |
Kathy Crilley |
W75 |
SyWC/Veterans AC |
Artur Olszewski |
M40 |
Veterans AC |
Peter Hannell |
M75 |
SyWC/Veterans AC |
Glen Keegan |
M55 |
Herne Hill Harriers/Veterans AC |
Lynn Drummond |
W70 |
Crystal Palace FR |
Sian Baum |
W55 |
Herne Hill Harriers/Veterans AC |

East Surrey League Road Race, Ewell, 30 March 2023

Clive Walker, Jo Quantrill, Chris Lee
Here are the Results of the East
Surrey League Road Race.
There were six VAC representatives for the final match of the East Surrey League's programme of three. This was
a two-lap, 4.3 mile, road race circling the Poole Road athletics track and out alongside the Hogsmill river and
surrounding roads, finishing in an adjacent field. It was a cool evening but the threatened rain held off although
there were some puddles to splash through and heavy ground on the field.
Eddie Lambert was VAC's first finisher, followed by Gavin Englefield, Chris Ness, Chris Lee and Clive Walker.
The men's scoring team of four were a creditable 4th out of the six clubs which had full teams, bearing in mind
that this was a race for Under 20s, Seniors and Masters. Jo Quantrill was VAC's only woman. She was the first in
the W65 age group and was ahead of all the W55 and W60 contenders.
VAC's men's team was fourth overall in the ESL's final standings for 2022-23. Gavin Englefield and Chris Ness
competed in all three fixtures with Gavin placing second in the individual M45 awards and Chris second in the M50
World Masters Athletics Indoor Championships, Torun, Poland, 26 March–1 April

Allan Long, M80 60m, Gold Medal, New British Record
Many VAC members competed indoors in Torun as well as outdoors at the cross country and road events.
Below is a provisional list of VAC’s individual medallists, including Sue McDonald, Virginia Mitchell and Allan
Long who each won double Golds. Virginia’s 400m time earned her the W60 World Record whilst Allan improved on his
own British record for the 60m. Dave Annetts set a new British indoor M55 record for the 3,000m Walk and also a new
British M55 Best Performance for the 10k Road Walk. There were other VAC athletes who won team medals, but the
members of the relay and distance teams are not identified in the official results. A fuller report will appear in
due course.
If you competed at Torun, a report of your experiences would be appreciated for VAC’s next newsletter. Please
send contributions to by the end of
VAC individual medallists at World
Masters Indoor Champs 2023 |
W40 |
Zoe Doyle |
800m 2nd |
W45 |
Susie McLoughlin |
400m 3rd |
W45 |
Stacey Gonzalez Betancourt |
Pole Vault 2nd |
W55 |
Sue McDonald |
Half M 1st, 10k 1st, Cross Country 3rd |
W55 |
Clare Elms |
Half M 2nd, 10k 2nd |
W60 |
Virginia Mitchell |
400m 1st, 800m 1st |
W70 |
Anne Nelson |
60m 3rd, 200m 3rd |
W70 |
Ros Tabor |
1500m 2nd |
M45 |
Gavin Stephens |
200m 3rd, 400m 1st |
M55 |
David Annetts |
3000m walk 2nd, 10k Walk 2nd |
M60 |
Pat Logan |
60m 3rd |
M70 |
Ian Richards |
3000m walk 3rd |
M80 |
Allan Long |
60m 1st, 200m 1st, Triple Jump 2nd |
VAC members of GB medalling teams at Torun
4x200m relays W40 (silver) Zoe Doyle
W60 (gold) Virginia Mitchell
W70 (silver) Emily McMahon, Anne Nelson
M35 (bronze) Craig Cox
M45 (gold) Gavin Stephens
M50 (bronze) Giuseppe Minetti, Michele Beltrano
M60 (gold) Pat Logan, Michael Vassiliou
M70 (gold) David Hinds, Wally Franklin
Mixed 80 (gold) Barry Ferguson, Allan Long
Cross Country W40 (bronze) Madeleine Armstrong-Plieth
W55 (gold) Sue McDonald
W70 (silver) Jane Georghiou, Ros Tabor
Half Marathon W55 (gold) Sue McDonald, Clare
VAC and EMAC Indoor Track and Field Championships, Lee Valley, 26 March

David Shields, M60 Long Jump Gold Medal

Chris Loudon, 800m
Nikki Sturzaker (197), 800m Gold

Edmond Simpson M85 (154), Mike Mann
Stacey Gonzalez-Betancourt

Natalie Mann

Martin Willis Triple
Tim Carter Long Jump
Photos from Cliff Hide. Cliff has more photos and is happy to
supply J-Peg copies to competitors.
Email him at
VAC was pleased to join in with Eastern Masters AC for the indoor Track and Field
championships. We were very grateful to EMAC for the work done in making it happen and for the excellent
organisation on the day. Lee Valley Athletics Centre was in high demand throughout the indoor season and we were
fortunate to secure a day for our event. Despite the clash with the World Indoor T&F championships in Poland,
the event was well supported with good contests and fine performances. For VAC, at least 50 members competed. Many
saw it as a great way to round off their indoor seasons with decent times and marks, as well as winning age group
Performances to note for VAC were the Indoor Championship Best Performances (CBP) set by Craig
Christian (M40, 200m, 24.30 secs), Tim Carter (M70, 400m, 71.23 secs), Edmund Simpson (M85, 1500m, 8:17.73), Lucy
Woolhouse (W60, 1500m, 5:44.55), Steve Winder (M50, 3000m, 9:29.60), Chris Ness (M50, High Jump, 1.45m), Emmanuel
Ogunniyi (M50, Long Jump, 5.55m) and Stacey Gonzalez Betancourt (W45, Pole Vault, 2.90m). There were many other
great results. Some highlights follow. Outstandingly, Michael Shortall (M35) covered six events and was rewarded
with six Gold medals and two CBPs (8.95 secs in the 60m Hurdles and 11.08m in the triple Jump). Patrick Reynolds
(M70) also contested six events to a high standard. Craig Christian (M40) won five Gold medals from the sprints,
High Jump and Long Jump. Martin Willis (M50) also competed in five events, claiming a Gold medal in his first ever
competitive Triple Jump. Nikki Sturzaker achieved a clean sweep of the W45 endurance events, winning Gold in the
800m, 1500m and 3000m races. Kevin Craven (M50) was the fastest in his age group (including EMAC and Open
competitors) for the highly competitive 60m and 200m races.
Here are the
Results on Power of Ten.
Here are VAC's
Individual Results and Medallists.

EMAA Inter-Area Cross Country Challenge and East Surrey League, Lloyd Park, 4 March

Some of VAC's team at Lloyd Park

Jo Quantrill, best Age Grade Micah Evans, 1st M40

Mark Tennyson, 1st M55 David Ogden

Denise Barnett, 1st W50 Chloe Constantine

Fiona Russell Annie Ross, 1st W70

Alastair Bloore Mike Forder, 1st M70
Photo of VAC's team from Rachel Berry.
Other photos from Cliff Hide. Cliff has more photos and is happy to supply J-Peg copies to
Email him at
VAC hosted the annual cross country challenge for Masters Area Clubs which was held within March's East Surrey
League race.
It was a cold day in Lloyd Park but the course was firm and free from its usual mud. 118 runners completed the
combined race, with 53 contesting the Inter Area challenge. Micah Evans was the fastest for VAC, placing third in
the combined race and first M40. He was also the lead runner in the Inter Area competition. Denise Barnett was
VAC's fastest woman, third in the race and first W50.
VAC did well In the East Surrey League's team competition. The women's team topped the table of seven clubs. The
four scorers were Denise Barnett, Rachel Berry, Chloe Constantine and Fiona Russell in 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 14th
places. The men's team was second in the men's contest with the four scorers, Micah Evans, Rich Berry, Mark
Tennyson and Terry Booth packing well in 3rd, 9th,10th and 12th places.
Here are the Individual and
Team Results of the East Surrey League race.
For the Inter Area contest, VAC members turned out in force to reclaim the winner's trophy, last held in
Here are the Results
of the Inter Area Challenge race.
The enthusiasm of VAC's 42 finishers certainly made up for the lack of opposition on the day, as SCVAC's men
provided the only other complete team. The score for each team was the average of the best six age-graded
performances for both men's and women's teams. VAC's top six male scorers achieved a fantastic average of 83.20%
compared with 73.46% by the SCVAC men's team in second-place. The top age graded performance was Mark Tennyson's
87.05%. VAC's best six female scorers posted an average of 80.71%, with Jo Quantrill the top performer with 87.13%.
Jo also won the trophy for the best age-graded performance of the day.
Results of the Inter Area CC Challenge, 4
March 2023 |
Men |
Score (Avg. of best 6) |
Name |
Race Position |
Age Grading |
1. VAC |
Mark Tennyson |
4 |
87.05% |
83.20% |
Steve Winder |
2 |
87.00% |
Terry Booth |
5 |
83.00% |
David Ogden |
10 |
81.91% |
Micah Evans |
1 |
80.53% |
Rich Berry |
3 |
79.70% |
2. SCVAC |
Simon Bean |
16 |
79.67% |
73.46% |
Michael Davies |
37 |
77.93% |
Colin Oxlade |
23 |
76.59% |
Mark Pitcairn-Knowles |
14 |
76.38% |
Alan Newman |
31 |
76.08% |
Scott Shurmer |
49 |
54.09% |
Women |
Score (Avg. of best 6) |
Name |
Race Position |
Age Grading |
1. VAC |
Jo Quantrill |
35 |
87.13% |
80.71% |
Anna Garnier |
42 |
84.14% |
Denise Barnett |
17 |
79.70% |
Rachel Berry |
21 |
79.13% |
Chloe Constantine |
25 |
77.29% |
Pippa Major |
34 |
76.86% |

EMAA Indoor Inter-Area Track & Field Challenge, Lee Valley, 26 February

Giuseppe Minetti (55), a fine win in the M50 60m with a new Championship Best Performance

Virginia Mitchell, 1st W60 400m W60 Relay, Anne, Sue, Anna, Lucy

Stacey Gonzalez Betancourt

Emmanuel Ogunniyi Dave Annetts (53), John Arthur (56)

Fiona Bishop, 2K Walk David Hinds, 1st M70 60m

Mark White, M50 400m Rhiannon Needham, 3000m

Sue Wisdom, 200m Michael Tay (53), 800m

Rich Berry, 3000m Patrick Reynolds, M70 Shot
Photo of the W60 Relay team from Rachel Berry.
Other photos from Cliff Hide. Cliff has more photos and is happy to supply J-Peg copies to
Email him at
VAC's men's and women's teams performed strongly indoors at the Lee Valley Athletics Centre. VAC was fifth
overall, but it was extremely close. Just three extra points would have lifted the team to fourth, within 30 points
of third. It was unfortunate that some key athletes were forced to withdraw with injuries close to the event.
A particular highlight was Virginia Mitchell's Championship Best Performance to win the W60 400m in 65.46, less
than a second off the W60 World/UK Record of 64.76. Another fantastic achievement was Giuseppe Minetti's two CBPs
to win the M50 60m (7.60 secs) and 200m (24.55 secs). The 4 x 200m relays were the most exciting of all the
competitions. VAC's M70 team members (Tim Carter, Peter Kennedy, Alan Long and David Hinds) flew round faultlessly
to claim a fine win. This was followed by a magnificent victory in a tight contest for VAC's W60 relay team of Anne
Nelson, Anna Garnier, Lucy Woolhouse and Sue Wisdom. VAC's M60 relay team also did well for a commendable second
There were six other fine individual first places: Bilen Ahmet (M35 PV), Dave Annetts (M35 2k Walk), Mike
Cummings (M35 1500m), David Hinds (M70 60m), Pat Logan (M60 60m) and Emmanuel Ogunniyi (M50 Long Jump). In
addition, there were 8 second places and 11 third places. Unluckiest of VAC's team members were Anna Critchlow and
Rhiannon Needham who both ran well in the combined W35/W50 3,000m race only to find out afterwards that the results
of the race had been declared void because the officials had miscounted the laps.
Here are the Results of the 2023 Indoor Inter
Area Challenge.

Men's Surrey League Cross Country, Morden Park, 11 February 2023

VAC's Men's Team (14 of the 21 who competed)

Richard Batchelor Clive Rolfe

Vic Maughn Ebe Prill

Gordon Whitson Bruce McLaren

John Carter Glen Morgan, Mike Mann
Photos from Cliff Hide. Cliff has more photos
and is happy to supply J-Peg copies to competitors.
Email him at
VAC finished the season on a pleasant day in Morden Park with a magnificent 21-man team which took on a
benign-looking 4.7 mile route through open, natural, parkland. In reality, the three laps (one medium length, two
long) were punishing in their undulations and energy-sapping in their relentless demand for high effort.
Richard Batchelor was again VAC’s first finisher in a fine 16th place in the Division 4 race. He was followed by
Clive Rolfe and Vic Maughn, both in the top 50 finishers. The “A” team was completed by Ebe Prill, Bruce McLaren,
Duncan Rimmer, Tony Harran, Chris Lee, Mike Mann and Glen Morgan. The rest of VAC’s men provided great back-up and
were rewarded by achieving second place on the day in the “B” team competition.
Every VAC man contributed to the team’s fine sixth place on the day which secured VAC’s excellent fifth place
overall out of the 14 clubs in Division 4. In the League’s age-category honours, Richard Tweddle won the M60+
trophy, with Vic Maughn in second place.
Thanks go to the 28 men who ran for VAC’s team during the season. Five of them (Richard Batchelor, Gary
Budinger, Andy Mitchelson, Andy Murray and Dave West) ran in all four matches. A special thank you also goes to
Paddy Clark, the team manager, who set up and dismantled VAC’s camp at every match, in all weathers, ensuring that
each team member was correctly numbered and providing support and encouragement to all, as well as often being a
willing marshal in the races.
The full results are on the Surrey League
VAC Placings, Division Four, Morden
Park |
Pos. |
Time |
Name |
Age Group |
16 |
30:08 |
Richard Batchelor |
M45 |
37 |
32:24 |
Clive Rolfe |
M45 |
46 |
33:04 |
Vic Maughn |
M60 |
52 |
33:37 |
Ebe Prill |
M60 |
69 |
34:59 |
Bruce McLaren |
M55 |
76 |
35:47 |
Duncan Rimmer |
M45 |
88 |
36:53 |
Tony Harran |
M60 |
101 |
38:02 |
Chris Lee |
M60 |
107 |
38:19 |
Mike Mann |
M70 |
112 |
38:40 |
Glen Morgan |
M60 |
114 |
39:02 |
Peter Giles |
M75 |
115 |
39:10 |
Gordon Whitson |
M65 |
121 |
39:53 |
Dave West |
M60 |
123 |
40:19 |
Clive Walker |
M60 |
128 |
41:58 |
Andy Mitchelson |
M50 |
133 |
42:15 |
Andy Murray |
M65 |
135 |
43:19 |
Gary Budinger |
M60 |
140 |
44:48 |
John Ryan |
M60 |
147 |
47:40 |
Dan Maskell |
M75 |
148 |
48:27 |
John Carter |
M75 |
151 |
54:12 |
Ian Strong |
M60 |
153 finishers (308 in combined race) |
Division Four Team Results at Morden
Park |
Points |
Overall Pos. |
1 |
Tadworth |
202 |
1 |
2 |
Elmbridge |
228 |
2 |
3 |
Ful-on Tri |
502 |
3 |
4 |
Tri Surrey |
522 |
4 |
5 |
Horley Harriers |
596 |
7 |
6 |
634 |
5 |
7 |
Runnymede |
639.5 |
6 |
8 |
Dulwich Park Runners |
721 |
8 |
9 |
Collingwood |
749.5 |
10 |
10 |
British Airways |
863 |
11 |
11 |
Lingfield Running Club |
1002 |
9 |
12 |
Windrush |
1050 |
12 |
13 |
Chessington Unity RC |
1061 |
13 |
14 |
Epsom Oddballs |
1100 |
14 |

Ladies Surrey League Cross Country, Morden Park, 11 February 2023

VAC Team: Lucy Woolhouse, Vera Blei, Gillian Wheeldon, Sarah Allen, Jo Quantrill, Ros Tabor, Helen Davies, Anna

Lucy Woolhouse Helen Davies

Vera Blei Sarah Allen

Jo Quantrill Anna Garnier

Ros Tabor Gillian Wheeldon
Photos from Cliff Hide. Cliff has more photos
and is happy to supply J-Peg copies to competitors.
Email him at
A good turn-out of eight VAC women completed the final match of this
season's Surrey League at Morden Park. The 4.7 mile convoluted course meandered around firm, open, grassy parkland,
and up and down some testing slopes. The conditions were good with a cool temperature and no
Lucy Woolhouse was again VAC's first woman, and first W60 in the race. She was followed by Helen Davies, Jo
Quantrill, Anna Garnier and Gillian Wheeldon completing the "A" team. Great back-up was provided by newcomer, Vera
Blei, in her first cross country race, followed by Sarah Allen and Ros Tabor. VAC's team finished a commendable
10th on the day.
VAC's return to the Ladies League after an absence of around ten years has been a great success. There have been
full scoring teams at each of the four fixtures and pleasing results. Team spirit has been high and every VAC
runner has been warmly welcomed. The Team Manager, Helen Davies, did a fantastic job organising and supporting the
team, as well as competing strongly in every fixture and achieving second place in the League's W50 category. Lucy
Woolhouse, also an ever-present, was the fastest runner in the W60+ age category in each of the four races and wins
the League's W60 trophy. Jo Quantrill and Sarah Allen also ran in all four races. Jo was second in the W60+ age
category. Overall, VAC was tenth out of the 29 clubs in Division Two. A top ten placing is a great achievement and
an excellent promotion of Masters athletics.
The full results are on the
Surrey League website
VAC Placings, Division Two, Morden
Park |
Pos. |
Time |
Name |
Age Group |
33 |
34:04 |
Lucy Woolhouse |
W60 |
48 |
35:10 |
Helen Davies |
W50 |
61 |
36:23 |
Jo Quantrill |
W65 |
100 |
39:15 |
Anna Garnier |
W65 |
108 |
39:51 |
Gillian Wheeldon |
W60 |
123 |
40:30 |
Vera Blei |
W50 |
145 |
42:00 |
Sarah Allen |
W55 |
161 |
43:30 |
Ros Tabor |
W70 |
237 finishers |
Division Two "A" Team Results at Morden
Park |
Points |
Overall Pos. |
1 |
Ful-on Tri |
55 |
1 |
2 |
Reigate |
89 |
2 |
3 |
Wimbledon Windmilers |
116 |
3 |
4 |
West 4 Harriers |
202 |
4 |
5 |
238 |
5 |
6 |
Striders of Croydon |
240 |
8 |
7 |
Holland Sports |
243 |
18 |
8 |
Tri-Surrey |
280 |
9 |
9 |
Windrush |
283 |
7 |
10 |
350 |
10 |
11 |
Ealing |
379 |
14 |
12 |
Croydon Harriers |
413 |
12 |
Plus a further 17 "A" teams |

Nonsuch Parkrun 5k, 4 February 2023

VAC members at the Nonsuch parkrun (photo from Fiona Bishop)
The VAC committee chose Nonsuch Park in Surrey for the first Parkrun meet-up of 2023. These events are an
opportunity for members to meet and run in a more relaxed environment than Surrey league cross country or Battersea
Park road racing.
Conditions were good - no wind, frost or mud. The course was the winter two-and-a-half lapper on flat tarmac
paths and grass. At least 23 VAC members took part in a field of 760 and many stayed for a coffee and chat
afterwards at the park cafes. We were spread throughout the field from positions 2 to 729.
Our runners performed well, with age group category wins for 5 female members (Gina Galbraith - also 1st woman,
Lisa Thomas, Jo Quantrill, Fiona Bishop, Ros Tabor) and 4 males (Steve Winder - also 2nd man, Jamie McLoughlin,
John Foley, Mike Mann). Ros and Jo were overall 1st and 2nd in age grade scores. VAC results as far as we know are
shown below.
Andy Murray
Overall Position |
Position in age category |
Name |
1st claim club |
Time |
Age Grade % |
2 |
1 |
VM50-54 |
Steve WINDER |
Epsom & Ewell Harriers |
16:45 |
88.76 |
4 |
2 |
VM35-39 |
Robert SMITH |
Walton AC |
17:27 |
75.55 |
5 |
1 |
VM45-49 |
Walton AC |
17:31 |
82.87 |
9 |
1 |
VM55-59 |
John FOLEY |
Hercules Wimbledon AC |
18:01 |
86.03 |
10 |
2 |
VM50-54 |
Chris NESS |
Walton AC |
18:06 |
82.78 |
19 |
1 |
VW45-49 |
Hercules Wimbledon AC |
18:50 |
85.13 |
28 |
6 |
VM45-49 |
South London Harriers |
19:54 |
71.27 |
61 |
5 |
VM50-54 |
Stewart BOND |
Hercules Wimbledon AC |
21:09 |
71.47 |
62 |
4 |
VM55-59 |
Darko CALINA |
Sutton Runners |
21:10 |
74.49 |
76 |
1 |
VW55-59 |
Hercules Wimbledon AC |
21:38 |
84.82 |
158 |
1 |
VW65-69 |
South London Harriers |
23:34 |
90.03 |
170 |
23 |
VM50-54 |
South London Harriers |
23:46 |
65.17 |
187 |
1 |
VM70-74 |
Michael MANN |
Dulwich Runners AC |
24:07 |
77.26 |
189 |
1 |
VW60-64 |
Fiona BISHOP |
Woking AC |
24:10 |
82.62 |
220 |
7 |
VM60-64 |
Dave WEST |
Dulwich Runners AC |
24:51 |
66.87 |
226 |
4 |
VM65-69 |
Michael BARRETT |
Epsom Oddballs RC |
25:02 |
67.64 |
270 |
1 |
VW70-74 |
Dulwich Runners AC |
25:59 |
90.12 |
293 |
4 |
VW55-59 |
Nicky ATKINS |
Kingston AC and Polytechnic Harriers |
26:23 |
70.50 |
323 |
15 |
VM60-64 |
Dulwich Runners AC |
27:08 |
60.14 |
328 |
7 |
VM65-69 |
Dulwich Runners AC |
27:11 |
64.13 |
558 |
3 |
VM75-79 |
Wimbledon Windmilers |
32:26 |
63.31 |
711 |
6 |
VM75-79 |
Hercules Wimbledon AC |
41:55 |
46.92 |
729 |
9 |
VM70-74 |
Hercules Wimbledon AC |
45:23 |
38.85 |

VAC Cross Country Championships and Masters Open race, Wimbledon Common, 21 January

The Start

Richard McDowell, Race
Nikki Sturzaker, Women's Winner

Chris Loudon, 2nd
Matilde Lomba, 2nd Woman

Mark Tennyson, 1st
Peter Kennedy, 1st M70

Felix Allen

Jane Georghiou, 1st W70
Photos from Cliff Hide. Cliff has more photos
and is happy to supply J-Peg copies to competitors.
Email him at
Here are the Individual Results.
Here are the Age Category
VAC's open cross country championships attracted 76 on the start line on a fine, but cold, day. The race was
dominated by last year's winner, Richard McDowell (M40), although he was closely tracked by Chris Loudon (M35) on
the first lap of the 7.5km course. Richard's pace eventually produced a clear win by over 40 seconds in a time of
25:31. There was a big gap to third-placed Martin Harris (M45) who finished in 27:54, just pipping Mark Tennyson by
one second. Mark's fine run earned him the M55 Gold medal and the best age-graded performance on the day with a
magnificent 92.5%. Other Gold medals for age-group bests were won by Justin Reid (M50), Mike Boyle (M60), Valdis
Pauzers (M65), Peter Kennedy (M70) and Peter Giles (M75). In VAC's championship, Oliver Morrison (M45) and Chris
Ness (M50) also won Golds.
Nikki Sturzaker (W45) was the women's champion with a fine run which placed her 16th in the race in a time of
31:30. Matilde Lomba (W35) was second, just 15 seconds behind, with Denise Barnett (W50) third. Lucy Woolhouse
retained the W60 trophy which she had won in the 2022 championship. Her time translated to the best women's
age-graded performance of 89.7%. Other Gold medals were won by Eibhlin Ni Bhradaigh (W40), Vikki Filsell (W55), Jo
Quantrill (W65) and Jane Georghiou (W70). In VAC's championship, Alexandra Marginean (W35) and Helen Davies (W50)
won Gold medals.

Mens Surrey League Cross Country, Chobham Common, 14 January

Start of the combined Divisions 3 and 4 races

Richard Batchelor leading the way for VAC Richard Tweddle (1409) and Ebe Prill (photos by Malcolm

Gary Ironmonger Peter Giles (1387), Tony Harran

Ian Strong Andy Mitchelson
Photos from Cliff Hide. Cliff has more photos and is happy to supply J-Peg copies to
Email him at
A magnificent turn-out of 20 men splashed and slid around the two-lap, 4.7 mile course on Chobham Common,
described as "undulating". Heavy rain stopped in time for the start but the stony course was awash.
Richard Batchelor was VAC's lead man, 17th in Division Four. Clive Rolfe was second followed by Gary Ironmonger,
making a welcome return to cross country competition. Richard Tweddle, Ebe Prill, Vic Maughn, Duncan Rimmer, John
Barron, Chris Lee and Tony Harran completed the A team. VAC's strong B team provided great back-up, although Tony
Austin made a wise decision to withdraw after one lap.
VAC's A team finished a good 5th out of 14 teams on the day, tantalisingly two points behind Runnymede. The B
Team were a commendable third in the B team competition. VAC dominated the M60-69 results with Gary Ironmonger at
the top. John Barron (M65), Mike Mann (M70) and Peter Giles (M75) also achieved age-group firsts.
The full results are on the Surrey League
VAC Placings, Division Four,
Chobham Common |
Pos. |
Time |
Name |
Age Group |
17 |
31:17 |
Richard Batchelor |
M45 |
30 |
32:28 |
Clive Rolfe |
M45 |
32 |
32:41 |
Gary Ironmonger |
M60 |
61 |
35:06 |
Richard Tweddle |
M60 |
65 |
35:25 |
Ebe Prill |
M60 |
66 |
35:26 |
Vic Maughn |
M60 |
82 |
37:25 |
Duncan Rimmer |
M45 |
83 |
37:28 |
John Barron |
M65 |
99 |
38:26 |
Chris Lee |
M60 |
106 |
39:35 |
Tony Harran |
M60 |
115 |
40:17 |
Peter Giles |
M75 |
119 |
40:52 |
Mike Mann |
M70 |
123 |
41:20 |
Dave West |
M60 |
131 |
42:17 |
Clive Walker |
M60 |
132 |
42:42 |
Gary Budinger |
M60 |
137 |
44:21 |
Andy Mitchelson |
M50 |
139 |
44:39 |
Andy Murray |
M65 |
143 |
46:53 |
John Ryan |
M60 |
151 |
54:58 |
Ian Strong |
M60 |
154 finishers (326 in combined race) |
Division Four Team Results at Chobham |
Points |
1 |
Elmbridge |
250 |
2 |
Tadworth |
271 |
3 |
Ful-on Tri |
287 |
4 |
Runnymede |
599 |
5 |
601 |
6 |
Tri Surrey |
626 |
7 |
Horley Harriers |
688 |
8 |
Lingfield Running Club |
705 |
9 |
Collingwood |
826 |
10 |
Dulwich Park Runners |
826.5 |
11 |
British Airways |
935 |
12 |
Windrush |
958.5 |
13 |
Chessington Unity RC |
1042.5 |
14 |
Epsom Oddballs |
1254.5 |

Ladies Surrey League Cross Country, Chobham Common, 14 January 2023

VAC Team: Sarah Allen, Helen Davies, Lucy Woolhouse, Gillian Wheeldon, Anna Garnier, Viv Mitchell, Jo Quantrill
(photo by Tony Austin)

Lucy Woolhouse Helen Davies

Jo Quantrill Gillian Wheeldon

Sarah Allen Viv Mitchell
Photos of Lucy and Helen by Malcolm Davies. The remaining photos are from Cliff Hide. Cliff
has more photos and is happy to supply J-Peg copies to competitors. Email him at
Six VAC women finished a tough, two-lap, 4.7 mile race at Chobham Common. Constant rain had made the undulating
course very challenging with lots of surface water and deep puddles plus an uphill muddy section at the end of each
lap. The previous two men's races, with over 500 runners, used the same course and made it worse!
Lucy Woolhouse was again the first VAC woman, well up the field, and first W60 in the race. She was followed by
Helen Davies, with Jo Quantrill, Gillian Wheeldon and Viv Mitchell completing the "A" team. Sarah Allen provided
great back-up as Anna Garnier and Ros Tabor wisely withdrew after one lap with injury concerns.
VAC's "A" team finished a commendable 11th out of the 29 clubs in Division Two.
The full results are on the Surrey League website
VAC Placings, Division Two, Chobham
Common |
Pos. |
Time |
Name |
Age Group |
44 |
35:58 |
Lucy Woolhouse |
W60 |
52 |
36:50 |
Helen Davies |
W50 |
75 |
38:52 |
Jo Quantrill |
W65 |
117 |
41:47 |
Gillian Wheeldon |
W60 |
143 |
44:49 |
Viv Mitchell |
W60 |
158 |
47:02 |
Sarah Allen |
W55 |
216 finishers |
Division Two "A" Team Results at
Chobham |
Points |
1 |
Ful-on Tri |
49 |
2 |
Reigate |
94 |
3 |
Wimbledon Windmilers |
123 |
4 |
Woking |
145 |
5 |
West 4 Harriers |
155 |
6 |
242 |
7 |
Holland Sports |
329 |
8 |
Croydon Harriers |
334 |
9 |
Dulwich Park Runners |
424 |
10 |
Tri-Surrey |
428 |
11 |
429 |
12 |
Epsom Allsorts |
452 |
Plus a further 17 "A" teams |
