Results July to December 2011
Results for January to June 2011 here...
HW/LAURISTON RC 5-MILE MULTI-TERRAIN Wimbledon Common 31 December 2011,
Inc. Lauriston Runners Club Championship

Start with Alex Bruce-LIttlewood(29), Matthew Sharp(61), Steve Norris(44) and Will

Steve Norris 1st o/40 Photos by Jeremy Hemming
More photos by Jeremy Hemming at
1 Alex Bruce-Littlewood Hercules
Wimbledon 26.46.
2 Will Cockerell Belgrave
H M35 27.09.
3 Matthew Sharp Hercules
Wimbledon 28.14
12 Ruth Clifton Thames
H&H SW 30.29. SW Record
Steve Norris Veterans AC M40
1st 28.50.
18 Frank Wood Hercules
Wimbledon M45 32.09. .
23 Mike Mann Dulwich
R M60 32.54.
24 Marie Synott-Wells Ranelagh H
W45 32.58. W45 record
26 Ola Balme Dulwich
R W40 33.31.
35 Maurice Sharp Hercules
Wimbledon M65 35.53.
38 Dan Maskell Veterans
AC M60 36.53.
40 Martin Miller Hercules
Wimbledon M65 37.12.
44 Walter Wessely Veterans
AC M65 38.02.
46 Sarah Allen Herne Hill
H W45 38.44. .
49 Dennis Williams Hercules
Wimbledon M65 39.45.
51 Alan Turner Hercules
Wimbledon M65 39.55.
53 Stuart Littlewood Hercules
Wimbledon M55 40.35.
54 David Walsh Thames
H&H M65 40.49.
59 Paddy Clark Veterans
AC M65 42.05.
61 Stephanie Burchill Dulwich
R W55 43.18.
64 Nina Pinkerton South London H
W60 45.46.
69 Jeffery Gordon Thames
H&H M70 50.34.
69 was a record number of finishers in this event.

Hercules Wimbledon with VAC Inter Club Wimbledon Common - 10 December

The Start...

Dave Betts Photos by Jeremy Hemming
More photos by Jeremy Hemming at
9 Mike Mann (Dul R) 63 34:10
10 Stephanie Robson(HW) W35 34:19
12 Andy Murray(Dul R) 58 34:37
16 Bob Ewens(SOC) 56 35:58
17 Dave Betts(HW) 60 36:24
18 Maurice Sharp(HW) 65 37:20
19 Ros Tabor(Dul R) W62 37:29
20 Dan Maskell(VAC) 63 37:32
21 Stu Littlewood(HW) 55 38:08
23 Peter Gibbons (Dul R) 57 38:41
25 Tom Morris (HW) 50 39:09
27 Clare Wyngard (Dul R) W50 40:23
28 Dennis Williams(HW) 65 41:37
29 Paddy Clark(Wav) 66 43:04
31 Dennis Smith(VAC) 62 45:03
32 Steph Burchill (Dul R) W55 45:08
33 Jeffrey Gordon(THH) 77 75:05
Teams 1 Hercules Wimbledon 21, 2 VAC
Conditions: Dry, frosty
Officials Timekeeper P Mulholland, Marshalls Steve Charlton, Joe Aspinall

48th Epsom 10 with VAC Champs, 20 November 2011

Paul Sanderson, 1st VAC in 17th place

Marie Synott-Wells (88) in the early mist Photos by Jeremy Hemming
More photos by Jeremy Hemming at
Race winners
1 Justin West (Stragglers) 55:31
2 John Collins (Westbury H) 55:52
3 Gilbert Grundy(Woking) 58:02
1st Woman Alexie Shaw(Dul R) 63:08
VAC 17 Paul Sanderson(G&G) 57 62:37
29 Liam O'Hare(Bar) 60 1st 64:39
51 Marie Synott-Wells(Ran) W35/45 1st 66:50
58 Graham Ball(WW) 60 67:37
62 Susanna Harrison(Wok) W45 67:53
73 Andy Murray(Dul R) 55 69:49
75 Gerry Smith(E&E) 60 69:55
104 Zoe Ashcroft(26.2) W35 73:32
123 Paul Townsend(VAC) 60 75:45
136 Richard Hammerson(Read RR) 65 77:09
138 Jo Quantrill(SLH) W55 77:17
215 Mick Miller(Hill) 73 88:13
253 David Earl(VAC) 75 102:12
262 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles(S¹oaks) 104:44
266 Alan Lane(Bel) 75 104:25
269 David Brooks(Thurr) 70 109:10
VAC Officials Sec Bob Belmore, Judge Ros Tabor

Vets AC CC Wimbledon Common 19 November 2011

Terry O'neill leads away Mick Barlow Julia Gristwood, Frank Gander & Steph Burchill head into the woods
Photos by Jeremy Hemming
More photos by Jeremy Hemming at
1 Terry O'Neill(Bel) 59 1 36:26
2 Mick Barlow(Ton) 45 36:55
3 Pete Marsh(Bel) 60 41:42
4 Ros Tabor(Dul R) W62 42:06
5 Paddy Clark(Wav) 66 45:24
6 Dave Wilson(HHH) 65 46:52
7 Dennis Smith(VAC) 62 49:52
8 Julia Gristwood(ESM) W52 50:25
9 Frank Gander(Bel) 77 52:22
Two laps
Stephanie Burchill(Dul R) W55 35:01
Officials Timekeeper P Mulholland, Course builder R Belmore

VAC 7 MILES RACEWALK CHAMPIONSHIP Saturday 12 November 2011 (Held in
Conjunction with Enfield & Haringey AC 7 Miles Open)
Age Group 45 (Women) 1st. Ann Belchambers 71.20
2nd. Jo Miles (Hillingdon AC) 74.50
Age Group 50 (Men) 1st. Steve Allen (Ilford AC) 68.09
Age Group 55 (Men) 1st. Trevor Jones (Steyning AC) 59.36
2nd.Andy Cox (Hillingdon AC) 66.35
Age Group 60 (Men) 1st. Dave Kates (Ilford AC) 66.52
2nd. Paul King (Belgrave Harriers) 71.11
Age Group 65 (Men) 1st. Shaun Lightman (Surrey WC) 67.00
2nd. Peter Hannell (Surrey WC) 69.23
3rd. Chris Flint (Surrey WC) 70.29
Age Group 70 (Men)
1st. Ron Penfold (Steyning AC) 67.28
2nd. Alan O’Rawe (Ilford AC) 71.17
Age Group 75 (Men)
1st. Arthur Thomson (Enfield AC) 64.53
From Chris Flint

Surrey League Div 4 EPSOM DOWNS 12 November 2011

Mike Barlow Paul Browning's sprint finish...
Photos by Jeremy Hemming
More photos by Jeremy Hemming at
1 Gilbert Grundy(Woking) 28:24
2 Steve Bishop(Holland) M40 28:40
3 Neil Reissland(Coll) M40 29:00
VAC 12 Mick Barlow(VAC) M40 31:47
26 Bob Treadwell(VAC) M50 3d 34:32
40 John Batchelor(VAC) M60 36:04
45 Paul Browning(VAC) M50 36:41
54 Dan Maskell(VAC) M60 38:07
55 Keiron FennellyVAC) M50 38:11
Division 4 Teams 1 Woking 174, 2 Holland Sp 266, 3 Collingwood 270, 4 Dulwich Park 388, 5
Epsom Oddballs 436, 6 Veterans AC 532, 7 Lingfield 559, 8 Waverley 615
Standings after 2: 1 Woking 301, 2 Holland Sp 529, 3 Collingwood 664, 4 Epsom Oddballs 776, 5
Dulwich Park 949, 6 Veterans AC 1052, 7 Lingfield 1075, 8 Waverley 1134

Loughton Vets Interclub Race 5 November
2011 1. Spencer Hemsted (Vets AC) 40 28:59
2. Dave Barrett (Orion) 40 29:41
3. Ray Dzikowski (Vets AC) 45 30:30
10. Bill Gristwood (Vets AC) 50 32:27
18. Paul Stockings (Vets AC) 50 34:04
24. John Batchelor (Vets AC) 70 1 35:45
34. Dan Maskell (Vets AC) 60 1 37:52
38. Victor Wilson (Vets AC) 65 3 38:35
41. Paddy Clark (Vets AC) 60 2 39:16
56. Ted Kimber (Vets AC) 70 2 43:06
58. Julia Gristwood (Vets AC) W50 43:17
61. Dennis Smith (Vets AC) 60 43:52
66. Charlie Crump (Vets AC) 75 1 46:29
76 finished
Men's teams (scoring four a side) 1. Orion Harriers 26 points (2, 7, 8, 9)
2. Vets AC 32 points (1, 3, 10, 18)
3. Eton Manor AC 40 points (5, 6, 14, 15)
4. Loughton AC 112, 5 ex Walthamstow AC 114, 6 Victoria Park/Tower H 124

East Surrey AA League Lloyd Park, 29 October 2011 - 5M CC

Paddy Clark
Photos by Jeremy Hemming
More photos by Jeremy Hemming at
1 Ben Whitby(HHH) 26.09
2 Brian Wilder(HHH) 27.26
3 Keith Newton(HHH) 28.21
13 Emily Alden(E&E) SW 30.52
VAC 27 Glen Morgan(VAC) 32.52
33 Mick Barlow(VAC) 33.30
40 Bill Gristwood(VAC) 34.09
76 Dan Maskell(VAC) 38.30
84 Paddy Clark (VAC) 40.56
99 Richard Hammerson(VAC) 43.58
104 Julia Gristwood(VAC) 46.05
Teams, 4 to score: 1 HHH 14, 2 Epsom & Ewell 56, 3 Striders of Croydon 60
12 Veterans AC 176, 27 Veterans AC B 287

VAC 5km Walking Championships - Saturday 22 October
1st Diane Bradley Tonbridge AC 27.20
1st Carl Lawton Belgrave Harriers 32.24
2nd Steve Holliday Cambridge Harriers 33.36
1st Shaun Lightman Surrey WC 29.39
2nd Peter Hannell Surrey WC 30.31
3rd Chris Flint Surrey WC 30.52
1st Ron Penfold Steyning AC 28.59
2nd Bernie Hercock Enfield & Haringey AC 37.02
With thanks to Cambridge Harriers for incorporating the VAC championship within its Winter League series.
The VAC 7 miles Walking Championship is on 12 November, in the Enfield 7 Open

VAC 5 mile CC - 22 October 2011 Wimbledon

Just after the start

Ola Balme
Photos by Jeremy Hemming
More photos by Jeremy Hemming at
1 Glen Morgan(VAC) 49 1 37:24
2 Ola Balme (Dul R) W44 1 38:36
3 Terry O'Neill(Bel) 59 1 38:47
4 Andy Murray(Dul R) 58 39:01
5 Stephen McDuell(HW) 46 40:02
6 Richard Solomons(High) 64 1 40:48
7 Andrea Sanders-Reece(Morn) W56 1 41:16
8 Pete Marsh (VAC) 61 41:27
9 Jim Brown(Wok) 62 41:46
10 Terry Eakin(NDAC) 62 42:04
11 Ros Tabor(Dul R) W62 1 42:33
12 Dan Maskell(VAC) 63 43:40
13 Ted Kimber(Barnet) 71 1 50:29
14 Julia Gristwood(ESM) W52 1 51:42
15 Steph Burchill(Dul R) W55 51:58
16 Brian Shave(HHH) 76 1 58:26
17 Alan Lane(Bel) 77 63:42
2 laps Bill Gristwood 25:25
Nina Pinkerton 37:16
Note: Terry Eakin went off course on lap 3 after being in the lead at top of hill
Officials Peter Mulholland T'kpr, Course Ros Tabor and Bob Belmore, Meeting Director, Marshalls Steve Charlton, Pat
O'Driscoll and friend, Entries Jeremy Hemming

Surrey League Div 4, Lightwater, 8 October
 Walter Wessely on Lightwater Common
 Nick Crocker Photos by Jeremy Hemming
1 Lee Kemp(Waverley) 28:12
2 Steve Bishop(Holland) 29:42
3 Gilbert Grundy(Woking) 29:59
VAC 18 Nick Crocker M50 35:58
30 Derek Wardle M60 38:56
37 Dan Maskell M60 40:00
40 Walter Wessely M60 40:37
50 Richard Hammerson M60 43:49
61 Brian Shave M60 53:26
Division 4 Teams 1 Woking 127, 2 Holland Sp 266, 3 Epsom Oddballs 344, 4
Collingwood 401, 5 Waverley 529, 6 Lingfield 525.5, 7 Veterans AC 531, 8 Dulwich Park 572
Next match 12 November Epsom Downs

VAC10K Road Championships with Geoff Moulden 10K, Wimbledon 2 October
 Paul Sanderson and on right Nigel
 Anna Garnier Photos by Jeremy Hemming
More photos by Jeremy Hemming at
1 Paskar Owor (Bel) Sen 32:42
2 Basil Wallace(HHH) Sen 36:00
3 Lucy McAlister(THH) SW 36:06
VAC 8 Paul Sanderson(G&G) 56 1 39:00
9 Nigel Burnell(VAC) 53 1 39:14
15 Steve Knight(HHH) 61 1 43:13
20 Anna Garnier(THH) W57 1 44:40
24 Dave Betts(HW) 61 2 45:53
28 Maurice Sharp(HW)(G) 66 1 47:38
31 Richard Hammerson(Read RR) 69 2 51:01
35 Dennis Williams(HW) 65 3 52:42
42 Keith Walker(E&E) 60 3 63:38
43 Yasmin Giles(VAC) W49 1 64:39
Officials R Xerri Meet Director, R Belmore VAC Secretary, P Mulholland

VAC 10,000m Track, Battersea 7 September 2011
 Tony Tuohy(4) caught Ian Johnston(1) in the last 30m. Colin
 Race 2 was won by Paul Sanderson(17) Photos by Jeremy Hemming
More photos by Jeremy Hemming at
Race 1 1 Tony Tuohy(Dul R) 49 34:29.7
2 Ian Johnston(Shettleston) 43 34:30.4
3 Richard Tomlinson(M&M) 43 35:21.8
4 David Cox(WGEL) 58 35:25.7
5 Colin Oxlade(Cro) 52 37:29.9
6 Mick Bradley(Watford) 54 38:05.5
7 Terry O'Neill(Bel) 58 39:07.2
8 John Cook(G) M50 39:07.3
9 Liam O'Hare (Bar) 63 39:21.4
10 Gareth Jones(Ox C)65 41:13.7
11 Andy Murray(Dul R) 58 41:38.5
Race 2 1 Paul Sanderson(G&G) 56 38:23.2
2 Bill Fraser(Hails) 59 42:13.0
3 Rob Sargent(Lought) 57 43:42.2
4 Jeff Prestridge(Serp) 52 44:18.2
5 Ros Tabor(Dul R) W62 44:24.2
6 Avril Riddle (Morn) W57 46:00.4
7 Jane Nodder(Morn) W53 46:06.4
8 Alan Davidson(Liss) 64 46:46.1
9 Richard Hammerson (Read RR) 69 47:48.6
10 Rex Bale(Poole R) 65 47:55.7
11 Dennis Williams(HW) 65 48:49.5
12 Stephen Charlton(VAC) 84 49:13.9
13 Francis Thomason(Metros) 62 50:21.1
14 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles(S'oaks) 78 52:36.8
15 Angela Kikugawa(HW) W49 53:39.5
16 Brian Shave(Read RR) 77 56:00.0
17 Ed Bartlett(VAC) 67 57:02.0
Time keepers Cecil Gittins, George Richardson, David Kitcher
Judges David Barrington, Tom Richards, Mike May
Starter Maurice Joyce
Recorders Rex Bale, Ros Tabor, Andy Murray, Cliff Hide, Denis Williams, Mrs Pitcairn-Knowles, Mrs
Entries Jeremy Hemming
Presentations Peter Hannell
Meeting Director Bob Belmore

VAC Track & Field Championships 28 August 2011
 Andy Weir(166) and Mick Boyle(161) lead
 100m Photos by Jeremy Hemming
Hammer W65 Elizabeth Sissons 27.45
W55 Vilma Thompson 31.58
W50 Angela Morgan 28.55
M80 Jaroslav Hanus 25.66 (CBP)
M75 Peter Barber 27.86
M70 1 Peter Shevlane 30.97, 2 Kevin Burnett 18.83.
M65 1 Christopher Melluish 35.34, 2 David Kuester 31.50, 3 John Gilbert 31.14, 4 Brian Harlick 39.30.
M60 1 Anthony Richards 28.47, 2 Francis Thomason 13.92
M50 1 Chris Privett 46.94, 2 Dave Orchard 30.90, 3 Keith Seldon 29.384 Stephen Head 24.56.
M45 Tony Tipping 38.85
M40 David Glendower 23.00
Shot Putt W75 Marie Grant-Stevens 6.53
W65 Elizabeth Sissons 9.84(cbp)
W55 Vilma Thompson 10.90
W50 Angela Morgan 8.14
W45 Alice Campbell 5.58
M80 Jaroslav Hanus 7.35
M75 Peter Barber 6.29
M70 1 Peter Shevlane 71 8.39, 2 Kevin Burnett 6.21
M65 1 Peter Virgo 11.10, 2 David Kuester 9.95, 3 John Gilbert 9.82, 4 Norman Rice 9.51, 5 Brian Harlick 8.78, 6
William O'Connor 7.89.
M60 1 Anthony Richards 11.39, 2 Francis Thomason 4.98.
M50 1 Chris Privett 12.07, 2 S Head 11.91,3 Dave Orchard 10.42, 4 Keith Seldon 9.38, 5 Paul Williams 4.68
M45 Tony Tipping 11.61.
M40 David Glendower 7.21
M35 David Harris 7.11
Discus W65 Elizabeth Sissons 22.05
W55 Vilma Thompson 26.05
W45 1 Maria Newton 20.86, 2 Alice Campbell 12.33
M75 Peter Barber 20.63
M70 1 Peter Shevlane 25.80, 2 John Webster 21.43, 3 Kevin Burnett 17.65.
M65 1 Brian Harlick 32.93, 2 John Gilbert 30.64, 3 Peter Virgo 29.85, 4 Melluish 28.81, 5 David Kuester 28.18.
M60 1 Francis Thomason 14.13.
M50 1 Chris Privett 40.83,2 Dave Orchard 29.74, 3 Keith Seldon 27.40
M45 Tony Tipping 35.48.
M40 1 Richard Buckingham 35.89, 2 David Glendower 19.67
M35 David Harris 19.38
Javelin W65 Elizabeth Sissons 24.93
W55 Vilma Thompson 24.18, 2 Fiona Argent 12.67.
M70 1 John Webster 28.28, 2 Kevin Burnett 15.56.
M65 1 David Kuester 32.29, 2 John Gilbert 26.36, 3 Brian Harlick 25.45, 4 Wm O¹Connor 16.65.
M60 Francis Thomason 5.83
M50 1 Chris Privett 37.69, 2 Keith Seldon 36.83.
M45 Tony Tipping 37.35.
M40 1 Richard Buckingham 35.89, 2 David Glendower 19.67
M35 David Harris 26.24.
Long Jump W60 Emily McMahon 3.55 (cbp)
W55 Susan Yeomans 3.93.
W50 Teresa Eades 3.96.
W45 Alison Duke 4.06
M80 Geoffrey Feast 80 2.89 (CBP)
M75 Colin Sheppard 3.36
M70 John Webster 3.18
M65 David Kuester 3.31, 2 John Gilbert 2.97
M60 Geoffrey Kitchener 3.73, 2 Francis Thomason 2.21.
M55 David Johnson 4.55.
M50 1 Dave Shields 4.45, 2 Keith Seldon 3.39.
M45 Alan Easey 4.88.
M40 Eric Campbell 4.05
M35 David Harris 4.95.
Triple Jump
W55 Susan Yeomans 8.10 (CBP)
W50 Teresa Eades 8.78(CBP)
W40 Lesley Richardson(G) 7.66.
M75 Colin Sheppard 6.61(cbp).
M70 John Webster 6.99.
M65 1 Norman Rice 8.26, 2 John Gilbert 6.79.
M60 Francis Thomason 4.39
M55 David Johnson 10.46.
M50 Dave Shields 9.91.
High Jump W60 Emily McMahon 1.15(=CBP)
W50 Teresa Eades 1.30(CBP)
M65 1 Allan Cheers 1.20, 2 Brian Harlick 1.00.
M60 1 Geoffrey Kitchener 1.35, 2 Francis Thomason 0.85.
M50 1 Dave Orchard 1.45, 2 Keith Seldon 1.30.
M40 Richard Buckingham 1.50, 2 Eric Campbell 1.05.
M35 David Harris 1.35.
Pole Vault W55 Susan Yeomans 2.50.
W50 Teresa Eades 2.30 (=CBP).
W45 1 Alison Duke 2.30, 2 Maria Newton 2.10.
M65 Brian Harlick 2.10.
M50 Dave Orchard 2.85.
M45 Alan Easey 3.20.
M40 Andrew Del Nevo 2.40.
M35 1 David Harris 2.20, 2 Ian Lamont 2.20.
Track: electronic timing by Don Anderson
Hurdles 110m M35 David Harris 23.40
100m M50 Dave Orchard 18.55; M60 Geoff Kitchener 20.40; M65 Barry Ferguson 17.56.
80m W55 Fiona Argent 18.54.
100m M80 Charlie Williams 15.57(CBP), Feast 17.60.
M70 1 Allan Sowden 16.45, 2 Kevin Burnett 19.94.
M65 1 Terry Bissett 13.92, 2 Chuck Isetts 14.71, 3 David Whittaker 15.38
M60 1 Kitchener 13.82, 2 David Hinds14.59, 3 Cashel Riordan16.16, 5 Thomason 26.90
M55 Wally Franklyn 12.76, 2 Tim Carter 13.96, 3 Cliff Hide 14.72.
M50 Michael Vassiliou 12.43, 2 Robert Shephard 13.22, 3 Mike May 15.32, 4 Paul Williams 26.71.
M45 Barrington King 13.20
M40 1 Richard Buckingham 12.59, 2 Nick Lauder 12.75, 3 Trevor Lake 17.05.
M35 1 Andrew Gordon 12.65, 2 Harris 13.36.
W40 Shirley Rowbotham 15.24.
W50 Sue Wisdom 12.07, 2 T Eades 15.81. W55 1 Joan Trimble 14.57, 2 Anne Nelson 16.44.
W60 Emily McMahon 16.04.
200m M80 C Williams 33.8(CBP), 2 Feast 38.3.
M75 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 40.2.
M70 1 Sowden 34.3, 2 Burnett 41.7. (manual)
M65 1 Bissett 27.53, 2 Isetts 30.61, 3 Whittaker 31.51,
M60 1 Kitchener 28.20, 2 Derek Wardle 28.27, 3 Hinds 29.61, 4 Riordan 30.11..
M55 Franklyn 26.83, 2 Carter 28.35, 3 Philip Bell 28.40, 4 Cliff Hide 30.15..
M50 Vassiliou 24.73, 2 Shephard 27.07, 3 Paul Williams 56.26.
M40 1 Lauder 25.97, 2 Mark Cook 26.39, 3 Lake 35.16.
W40 Rowbotham 31.40. W45 Alice Campbell 54.32. W50 Wisdom 31.60. W55 1 Trimble 30.17, 2 Nelson 34.58, 3 Argent
400m M75 Pitcairn-Knowles 1:35.64
M70 John Rose 1:32.50
M65 Wm O¹Connor 1:42.62.
M60 Hinds 1:11.25, Thomason 1:40.39.
M55 Franklyn 1:01.26, 2 Bell 1:06.85.
M50 Williams 2:34.2 (manual)
M40 Gary Palmer 56.42, 2 Lauder 1:02.47
M35 Harris 1:01.22.
W55 Argent 1:22.21
800m M80 Eric Shirley 3:41.62.
M70 Rose 3:30.87.
M65 Peter Giles 2:40.92, 2 O¹Connor 4:01.55
M60 Mike Mann 2:38.00
M50 Keith Ewing 2:08.10(CBP).
M45 Stephen McDuell 2:09.65, 2 Noel Hall 2:18.37.
W60 Ros Tabor 2:51.92
W45 Yasmin Giles 3:49.89.
1500m M65 1 Peter Giles 5:44.64 2 Edwin Bartlett 7:41.91.
M60 1 Ken Daniel 5:01.98, 2 Mann 5:18.70, 3 Alan Davidson 6:19.06.
M50 Ewing 4:27.40.
M40 Andy Del Nevo 5:13.27.
M35 Harris 4:58.14.
W60 Ros Tabor 2:51.92
W45 Yasmin Giles 7:50.84.
3,000m Race Walk M80 John May 23:42.31.
M75 1 Ron Powell 18:58.04, 2 Dave Stevens 19:45.79.
M70 Bernard Hercock 21:50.52.
M65 1 Shaun Lightman 17:11.71, 2 Peter Hannell 17:47.73, 3 Sean Pender 18:57.17
M60 Stephen Holliday 19:14.37, 2 Thomason 20:18.15.
M50 Steve Allen 16:56.92.
M45 Mark Easton 14:11.95
5,000m M80 Stephen Charlton 23:57.20(CBP)
M75 1 Pitcairn-Knowles 24:43.08, 2 Brian Shave 26:40.71
M70 John Batchelor 20:18.14.
M65 1 Dennis Williams 23:02.32, 2 Richard Hammerson 23:26.88, 3 Edwin Bartlett 28:22.47.
W65 Pauline Rich 24:38.21
W55 Andrea Sanders-Reece 20:49.12(CBP)
W45 Angela Kikugawa 25:09.30
Race 2 M60 1 Charles Dickinson 18:44.24, 2 Liam O'Hare 19:18.53, 3 Alan Davidson
22:33.53, 3 Thomason 25:27.57.
M55 1 Julian Dillow 19:07.26, 2 Andy Murray 19:50.78.
M50 1 Tim Ellis 16:34.03, 2 Mick Boyle 16:49.55, 3 Colin Oxlade 18:17.24
M45 Tony Tuohy 16:38.39
M40 1 Andy Weir 16:19.03, 2 Ian Johnston 16:41.81.
W45 Jackie Perrin 18:57.37.

VAC 5K Championships and 5m Walk 16 August 2011
 Joe Cleverly, Tom Everitt and Richard
 Bernadine Pritchett 1st VAC
member Photos by Jeremy Hemming
Road Race 5Km age # time 1 Rupert Holden(Ravens)(G) 43 18:02
2 Bernie Pritchett(WGEL) W44 1 18:41
3 Terry O'Neill(Bel) 58 1 18:55
4 Catherine Shelley(Serp) W47 1 19:43
5 Richard Solomons(High) 64 1 19:45
6 Gareth Jones(Ox City) 65 1 19:48
7 Pippa Major(THH) W46 2 19:52
8 Andy Murray(Dul R) 58 2 20:24
9 Tony Packham(SB)(G) 59 20:31
10 Andrea Sanders-Reece(Morn) W55 1 20:49
11 Derek Wardle(WSEH) 64 2 21:10
12 Carol Bowker(Read RR) W51 1 21:19
13 Martin Evans(VPH) 60 3 21:36
14 Alan Davidson(Liss) 64 21:52
15 Neil Woodruff(Readg Jog)(G) 44 21:54
16 Michael Elwell(Cobra) 60 21:56
17 Dennis Williams(HW) 65 2 22:40
18 Sean Dillon(G) 60 22:41
19 Rich Hammerson(Read RR) 69 3 22:54
20 Martin Lippitt(Trent PT) 58 3 23:51
21 Joe Cleverly(New Elt) 78 1 24:10
22 Joe Aspinall(VAC) 73 1 24:12
23 Steve Charlton(VAC) 84 1 24:21
24 Tom Everitt(Eton M) 76 2 24:58
25 Rich Pitcairn-Knowles(Soaks) 75 3 25:16
26 Sue Lambert(Serp) W70 1 25:36
27 Julia Gristwood(ESM) W52 2 25:54
28 Steph Burchill(Dul R) W55 2 26:11
29 Cliff Collins(VAC) 75 26:14
30 Ian Isherwood(HW) 59 26:35
31 Ken Tuson(VAC) 75 26:46
32 Brian Shave(Read RR) 77 27:11
33 Ed Bartlett(VAC) 67 28:40
34 Anne Lippitt(Trent PT) W56 3 29:27
35 John Cullingham(Read RR) 78 31:29
36 Kevin Burnett(SOC) 72 2 32:31
37 Peter Torre(SB) 69 34:26
Officials: Don Turner, Tom Richards, John Batchelor, Jeremy Hemming, Bob
RaceWalk 5.0M 1 Mark Easton(SWC) 49 1 39:45
2 Ian Richards(Stey) 63 1 39:59
3 Peter Ryan(Ilf) 57 1 44:06
4 Steve Uttley(Ilf) 54 46:01
5 Steve Allen(Bar)(G) 53 1 46:04
6 Mike Harran(SWC)(G) 73 - 48:75
7 Stewart Bennett(Worth)(G) 48:54
8 Maureen Noel(Bel) W47 1 49:29
9 Chris Flint(SWC) 66 1 50:13
10 Sean Pender(E&H) 58 50:15
11 Peter Hannell(SWC) 68 51:14
12 Paul King(Bel) 55 53:21
13 Glen Keegan(HHH)(G) 58:51
14 David Hoben(SWC) 58 59:32
15 Bernard Hercock(SWC) 74 1 62:49
16 Ken Livermore(E&H) 78 1 66:35
Officials: Carl Lawton, John Hall, Margaret Livermore

Inter-Area Track & Field, Solihull - 7 August 2011
Inter area match at Solihull – 7 August 2011 – VAC team report
This year a team largely made up of members who had not attended the previous two Interarea
matches came 7th in the men’s match and 8th in the women’s match. Sadly our women’s team consisted of only four
ladies, but they scored enough to ensure that our joint team came 7th (of 9). We had Fiona Argent , competing in
the W50-59 100m and Long Jump, Jenny Piercey who came 3rd in the W50-59 Pole Vault, Angela Morgan who did the
W50-59 Shot (joint 4th) and Discus (4th) and Stephanie Robson, who did the W35-49 800m and 1500m, but then
unfortunately succumbed to injury before the 3000m.
On the men’s side we had good representation in the M35-49 track events and the M60 track
events, but virtually no field eventers, so we did well to come 7th. Our M50 team consisted of Mike Vassiliou, who
did the 100m (coming 3rd), 200m (coming 2nd) and 400m (coming 1st), and then going down to the M35-49 Medley Relay
ran one of the 200m legs, and Tim Ellis, who came 6th in the 3000m in a hailstorm. Your team manager point-gathered
in the M50 Walk and the Shot putt, but had picked up a minor injury and Wimbledon Park the previous Wednesday, and
was unable to sprint. I also got Nick Lauder to point gather in the Shot putt in the M35-49 age group, but
otherwise our points came from the track.
In the M35-49 age group, Glenn Reddington came 4th in the 110m hurdles, Rohan Samuel came 3rd
in the 100m , Nick Lauder 7th in the 200m , Draco Mkpa 3rd in the 400m, David Hoben (M55) 4th in the Walk, and Paul
Lemmon 6th in both the 1500m and the 3000m (in the aforementioned hailstorm). In the M60-69 age group, Derek Wardle
came 2nd in the 400m and 3rd in the 200m, Chuck Isetts 6th in the 100m, club president Peter Hannell 3rd in the
Walk, while Ed Connolly came 5th in the 800m. Walter Wesseley took care of the 1500m (coming 7th) and the 3000m
(coming 7th). The day was rounded off by the Medley Relay, where we managed to put a mixed age-group team into the
M35-49 event consisting of Draco Mkpa (400m), Nick Lauder (200m), Mike Vassiliou (M50) (200m) and Paul Lemmon
(800m) and we came 4th.
Because of the Olympics, next year’s event is likely to be in September. Watch out for the
Mike May

VAC T&F 3 August 2011 Wimbledon Park
 100m Race 3
 Start of 1 Mile Photos by Jeremy Hemming
Jeremy says 'quality may be patchy but take a look at how you were doing on track, last
night' - photos by Jeremy Hemming at
100m age time 1 Andrew Gordon(KP) 37 12.6
2 Paul Lavender(EE) 55 12.7
3 Robert Shephard(E&E) 50 13.0
3 Stuart White(HW) 49 13.2
5 David Harris(HW) 37 13.5
Race 2
1 Mike May(KP) 48 13.9
2 Derek Wardle(WSEH) 64 14.0
3 Joan Trimble(KP) W56 14.2
4 Chuck Isetts(KP) 69 14.8
5 Michael Stainton(Serp) 50 15.5
Race 3
1 Cliff Hide(Serp) 59 14.3
2 David Hinds(Serp) 60 14.3
3 Sue Wisdom(E&E) W49 14.8
4 Sue Dassie(E&E) W58 14.8
Race 4
1 Cashel Riordan(KP) 64 15.0
2 David Whittaker(E&E) 65 15.2
3 Anne Nelson(E&E) W59 15.9
4 David Barrington(KP) 70 17.0
Gibson points: 6 Wisdom, 4= White, Trimble & Hide, 2= Whittaker & Nelson,
rest 1
200m 1 Mark Giraud(HW) 38 24.7
2 Andrew Gordon(KP) 37 26.2
3 Robert Shephard(E&E) 52 26.7
3 Stuart White(HW) 49 13.2
4 David Harris(HW) 37 27.8
5 Mike May(KP) 50 29.4
Race 2
1 Terry Bissett(E&E) 67 28.1
2 Charles Griffith(E&E) 35 28.3
3 Derek Wardle(WSEH) 64 28.4
4 Phil Bell(Harr) 57 28.6
5 Joan Trimble(KP) W56 30.7
Race 3
1 Cliff Hide(Serp) 59 30.0
2 Chuck Isetts(KP) 69 30.3
3 David Hinds(Serp) 60 30.7
4 Sue Wisdom(E&E) W49 31.7
Race 4
1 Cashel Riordan(KP) 64 31.2
2 David Whittaker(E&E) 65 31.8
3 Anne Nelson(E&E) W59 34.1
4 David Barrington(KP) 70 36.7
Gibson points: Whittaker 6, May 5, Isetts 4, Wardle 3, May 2, rest 1
One Mile 1 Richard Tomlinson(M&M) 43 4:54.1
2 Steve McDuell(HW) 46 5:05.0
3 Bill Arbury(EE) 46 5:30.8
4 Lisa Webb(SB) W45 5:34.5
5 Andrea Sanders-Reece(Morn) W55 6:14.3
6 Alan Davidson(Liss) 64 6:38.7
7Joe Aspinall(VAC) 73 7:18.2
8 Angela Kikugawa(HW) W49 7:30.2
400m 1 David Harris(HW) 37 61.3
2 Stuart White(HW) 49 63.1
3 Phil Bell(Harr) 57 66.6
4 Dave Orchard(HW) 51 67.4
5 Cliff Hide(Serp) 59 69.3
Race 2
1 Mike May (KP) 48 69.1
2 David Hinds(Serp) 60 70.3
3 Mike Stainton(Serp) 50 71.6
4 Andrea Sanders-Reece(Morn) W55 78.6
5 David Barrington(KP) 70 83.3
Gibson points: Barington 6, White 5, Hide and Hinds 3.5, May and Sanders-Reece
1.5, rest 1
5,000m was not held
DISCUS SHOT Liz Sissons(E&E) W67 1kg 21.30 3kg 10.03
Sue Dassie(E&E) W55 2 19.71 3 8.88
David Harris(HW) 37 2 19.96 7.26 7.29
Dave Orchard(HW) 50 1.5 31.84 6 10.87
John Webster(HW) 70 1 20.65 4 7.26
Kevin Burnett(SOC) 70 1 20.03 4 6.41
Gibson handicap competition Final Scores: Gibson Cup will be awarded to Cliff Hide,
C Hide 35.4
M May 31.9
T Carter 22.5
C Isetts 14.5
M Butler 12
J Trimble 11
D Whittaker 10.5
S Wisdom 10
M Cook 9 A Sowden, A Perry 8.4 D Barrington, A Nelson 8 P Bell, J Godbeer, M McIntosh 7.4 S White 7 G
Palmer, S McDuell, D Hinds 5.5 N Lauder 5.4 P Morgan 5 G Kitchener 4.5 D Wardle 4 R Hyde 3.5 P Ilo 3.4
M Baker 2.4 C Taylor, C Riordan, P Williams 2 A Sanders-Reece 1.5 T Bissett, P Lavender, B King, S Dassie
Duncan McLean Cup 400m Over 60 handicap, between Barrington and Hinds, will be
announced later.
Officials: Starter S Holt, T/k and Judges C Gittins, M Joyce, P Mulholland, J
Hemming, J Sabourin. Field R Weston.
Meet Sec B Belmore

VAC 5 mile Road & Race walk 26 July 2011
 Terry Fowler 1st runner Mark Easton 1st
racewalker Photos by Jeremy Hemming
More photos by Jeremy Hemming at
Road Race 5.0M age # time 1 Terry Fowler(Met Pol) 48 1 28:46
2 Bernie Pritchett(WGEL) W44 1 31:42
3 Richard Solomons(High) 63 1 32:40
4 Ian Mursell(VAC) 59 1 35:18
5 Derek Wardle(WSEH) 64 35:33
6 Jeff Prestridge(Serp) 52 1 36:34
7 Dan Maskell(VAC) 63 36:40
8 Dennis Williams(HW) 65 1 37:14
9Steve Charlton(VAC) 84 1 41:04
10 Sue Lambert(Serp) W70 1 41:09
11 Julia Gristwood(ESM) W52 1 41:59
12 Angela Kikugawa(HW) W49 1 42:24
13 Ann Bath(26.2) W62 1 42:56
14 Ed Bartlett(VAC) 56 47:37
RaceWalk 5.0M 1 Mark Easton(SWC) 49 1 40:50
2 Steve Allen(Ilf) 53 1 49:35
3 Mike Harran(G) 73 - 50:07
4 Sean Pender(E&H) 58 1 50:13
5 Peter Hannell(SWC) 68 1 50:24
6 Chris Flint(SWC) 66 51:19
7 I Thomson(SWC)(G) 63 54:23
8 David Hoben(SWC) 58 56:46
9 Barbara Edlin(E&H) W65 1 58:54
10 Bernard Hercock(SWC) 74 1 63:26
11 K Burnett(SOC) 72 64:04
