Results July to December
- Surrey League Div 3, Match 3, Lightwater 11 December
2010 12-12-10
- 7 mile Race Walk Championships with Belgrave, Wimbledon 27 November 2010 27-11-10
- Epsom 10 inc VAC Championship 21 November 2010
- VAC CC 20 November 2010 20-11-10
- Surrey League Div 3, Match 2, Lloyd Park 13 November
2010 16-11-10
- Veterans 5 mile Inter Club race, Loughton, 6 November
2010 7-11-10
- East Surrey League, 30 October 2010, Lloyd Park
- VAC CC 23 October 2010 23-10-10
- Surrey League Div 3, 9 October 2010, Nork Park,
Banstead 10-10-10
- Geoff Moulden Wimbledon 10K Road Race - VAC Championships - 3 October 2010 3-10-10
- VAC 10,000m Track Champs 8 September 2010
- 29 August 2010 - VAC Track & Field
Championships at Battersea Park 4-09-10
- VAC results at Inter Area Match Solihull, 8 August
2010 26-08-10
- VAC Road Race 5 Km Champs 10 August 2010 at
Battersea 11-08-10
- Inter area match at Solihull – 8 August 2010 – VAC
team report 15-08-10
- VAC meeting 4 August 2010 Wimbledon Park Track
- VAC 21 July 2010 with Rosenheim League, Kingsmeadow
- VAC 5M Road 13 July 2010 14-07-10
Results for January to June 2010 here...
Surrey League Div 3, Match 3, Lightwater 11 December
1 J Gilbert(Kent) 26:22
2 J Savage(Kent) 27:10
3 J Hamblin(Walt) 28:07
10 R DzikoWski(W4) M40 30:14
12 Gareth Cavell 30:27
70 Walter Wessely 39:53
73 Dan Maskell 40:48
Team score to be confirmed but 9th place is certain

7 mile Race Walk Championships with Belgrave, Wimbledon
27 November 2010
 Paul King, left, and Peter Hannell, passing the
 Trevor Jones, 2nd Photos by Jeremy Hemming
1. F.Reis Ilford 54:29
2. T.Jones Steyning 58:29 VAC 54
3. S.Uttley Ilford 58:45 VAC 53
4. P.Ryan Ilford 61:59 VAC 56
5. R.Michell SWC 66:58
6. S.Pender Enf & H. 67:35 VAC 57
7. P.King Belgrave 68:55 VAC 59
8. P.Hannell SWC 69:39 VAC 68
9. M:Noel(L) Belgrave 69:48 VAC W47
10. D.Sharp Ilford 69:59
11. C.Flint LV 70:02 VAC 65
12. G.Jones Coventry G 70:22
13. I.Statter SWC 71:14
14. M Harran SWC 74:14
15. D.Hoben SWC 78:00 VAC 58
16. D.Delaney SWC 80:17
17. P.Goodwin Ilford 82:56
18. E.Horwill Dudley&S 84:50
19 Started; I Richards DQ

Epsom 10 inc VAC Championship 21 November 2010
 1st veteran Gareth Cavell

Early on in the race... Photos by Jeremy Hemming
4 183 57:34 Gareth Cavell Woodford Gr AC M40
14 251 60:42 Peter Lee Hercules Wimbl M40
50 20 67:25 Susanna Harrison Woking F45
54 343 68:02 Ronald Vialls Barking Road Runners M50
63 11 68:26 David Pimm RRC M50 tbc
66 5 68:33 Alan Dolton Striders M50
68 170 69:05 Graham Ball Wimbledon W M60
72 152 69:47 Gerald Smith Epsom & Ewell H M60
99 130 73:10 Paul Townsend Veterans AC M60
117 151 75:02 John C Thomas Corby AC M70 tbc
151 103 78:21 Nichola Atkins Kingston & Poly F45
170 273 79:43 Geraldine Hart Epsom Allsorts F60 tbc
171 159 79:47 Richard Hammerson Reading RR M65
190 110 82:33 Marion Jakeman Epsom & Ewell H F60
249 111 88:54 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles Sevenoaks AC M75
292 126 99:59 David Earl Veterans AC M75
293 127 100:33 Alan Lane Belgrave H M75
294 210 100:38 Barbara Rossouw 0 F50 f
tbc: Membership to be confirmed

VAC CC 20 November 2010

Julia Gristwood Photos by Jeremy Hemming
1 Bill Gristwood(ESM) 51 1 36:01
2 Glen Morgan(VAC) 48 36:37
3 Jim Wallace(WW) 53 38:25
4 Ros Tabor(Dul R) W61 1 42:48
5 Nicky Atkins(KP) 46 1 46:04
6 Rowena Hornshaw(HW)(g) W30 49:33
7 Ann Bath(26.2) W60 50:21
8 Dennis Smith(VAC) 61 1 51:18
9 Julia Gristwood(ESM) W51 1 51:38
2 laps
Stephanie Burchill(Dul R) W54 34:29
Officials: Cecil Gittins, Pete Mulholland; Marshalls Steve Charlton,
Mike May, Alan Lane, Meet Director and Course Bob Belmore, Numbers Jeremy Hemming.
Conditions dry, misty.

Surrey League Div 3, Match 2, Lloyd Park 13 November
Bob Treadwell
 Liam O'Hare Photos by Jeremy Hemming
1 J Gilbert(Kent) 27:38
2 J Savage(Kent) 29:01
3 J Hamblin(Walt) 29:39
38 35 Glen Morgan 34:54
66 59 Robert Treadwell 37:04
76 67 Liam O'Hare 38:52
83 72 Paul Browning 40:08
90 78 Paul Townsend 41:28
94 79 Dan Maskell 42:54
Teams: 1 Kent 79, 2 Walton 404, 3 Elmbridge 412, 4 W4H 432, 5
Runnymede 439, 6 BAC 449, 7 Croydon 546, 8 Holland 592, 9 VAC 742
Teams standings: 1 Kent 177, 2 Walton 749, 3 Runnymede 769, 4 W4H 888,
5 Elmbridge 928.5, 6 BAC 960, 7 Croydon 1050.5, 8 Holland 1242.5, 9 VAC 1425.5

Veterans 5 mile Inter Club race, Loughton, 6 November
1. Gary Bagnall (VPH/TH) 35 29:34
2. John Wallis (WG/EL) 45 30:31
3. Bill Gristwood (VAC) 50 31:01
5. Steve Norris (VAC) 40 31:27
8. Lee Benjamin (VAC) 50 33:19
11. Steve Plested (VAC) 55 33:57
20. Lorna Gaffney (Lou) W40 35:37
30. Martin Evans (VPH/TH) 60 37:36
38. Vic Wilson (VAC) 65 39:24
51. Ted Kimber (VAC) 70 42:39
59. Dennis Smith (VAC) 60 43:55
60. Charlie Crump (VAC) 70 44:06
64. Tom Everitt (Eton M) 75 44:36
67. Julia Gristwood (VAC) W50 45:40
69. Glyn Sayer (Eton M) 65 46:44
71. Cliff Warren (Lou) 45 47:11
76. Kevin Burnett (VAC) 70 55:42
Men's teams (scoring four)
1. Veterans AC (3, 5, 8, 11) 27
2. WG/EL (2, 7, 13, 19) 41
George Richardson (Loughton) writes
What a turnout! This was a record field by a long way. If it gets any bigger, we'll have to start
introducing qualifying standards!
For the first time, Veterans AC turned up in force, and they were rewarded with their first team
victory in this long-running fixture.
Conditions were as good as you could expect for November: sunny for the start (but clouding over),
light north wind, a reasonable 12 degrees Celsius and the course reasonably firm.
Bob Belmore was team captain.

East Surrey League, 30 October 2010, Lloyd
53 Paul Townsend 40:59
75 Dan Maskell 45:30
87 Paddy Clark 53:40
Teams: 1 HHH A 44, 2 Herc Wim A 51, 3 SOC A 54
20 Veterans AC

VAC CC 23 October 2010
 Keith Newton,
Ola Balme, first woman Photos by Jeremy Hemming
1 Keith Newton(HHH) 45 1 31:14
2 Bill Gristwood(ESM) 51 1 36:35
3 Terry Eakin(N Down) 61 1 36:42
4 Glen Morgan(VAC) 48 36:56
5 Mick Tabor(Les Croup)(G) 57 37:40
6 Jim Wallace(WW) 53 38:10
7 Ola Balme(Dul R) W43 1 38:44
8 Richard Solomons(High) 63 39:29
9 Andy Murray(Dul R) 57 1 39:45
10 Gerry Smith(E&E) 60 41:30
11 Ros Tabor(Dul R) W61 1 42:01
12 Graham Laylee(Dul R) 53 42:50
13 Rich Hammerson(Read RR) 65 1 46:21
14 Dan Maskell(VAC) 62 47:11
15 John Carter(WW)(G) 66 47:38
16 Keith Drake(WW) 62 47:58
17 Mandy Brown(26.2) W55 1 48:40
18 Ann Bath(26.2) W60 49:56
19 Eric Campbell(Cro) 43 1 50:42
20 Paul Tibbs(WW)(G) 53 51:19
21 Nina Pinkerton(SLH) W59 51:58
22 Julia Gristwood(ESM) W51 1 52:38
23 Jeffrey Gordon(THH) 76 1 59:17
24 Alan Lane(Bel) 75 59:38
2 laps
Stephanie Robson(HW) W38 25:27
Stephanie Burchill(Dul R) W54 33:21
Officials: Pete Mulholland, Meet Director and Course R Belmore
Marshalls: Joe Aspinall, Mike May
Numbers & results: Jeremy Hemming
Conditions reasonably dry after rain. Next meet 20 November.

Surrey League Div 3, 9 October 2010, Nork Park,

Paul Townsend(511) raced in from a Lingfield and Ralph Hyde
(514) Photos by Jeremy Hemming
1 John Gilbert (Kent) 28:44
2 Jim Savage (Kent) 30:10
3 John Hamblen(Walton) 31:01
VAC 27 Bill Gristwood V50 34:39
59 Ron Vialls V50 39:18
65 Kieron Fennelly V50 40:28
73 Paul Townsend 41:19
74 Ralph Hyde 41:21
83 Martin Evans 45:20
84 Rich Hammerson V60 46:22
Provisional Team Scores, to be confirmed on or after Tuesday 12 Oct
1 Kent 98, 2 Runnymede 330, 3 Walton 345, 4 West 4H 456, 5 Croydon 504.5, 6 BA 511, 7 Elmbridge
516.5, 8 Holland 650.5, 9 VAC 683.5

Geoff Moulden Wimbledon 10K Road Race - VAC Championships
- 3 October 2010

Anna Garnier, 1st Veteran Lady

Carey Gray, Nigel Burnell in early lap
Photos by Jeremy Hemming
1 Ryan McLeod (Tipton) 31:10
2 Ben Whitby(WSEH) 31:27
3 Paskar Owor(Bel) 31:31
16 Rose Nicholson(Wok) Sen Lady 38:57
15 Nigel Burnell(VAC) M50 1 38:36
19 Hugh Saxby(HW) M55 1 39:33
23 Carey Gray(Bingley H) M50 2 40:00
34 Richard Solomons(Highgate) M60 1 44:30
36 Anna Garnier(THH) W55 1 44:32
68 Joe Cleverly(New Elt) M75 1 50:16
77 Rich Hammerson(Reading RR) M65 1 53:33
78 Ann Bath(26.2 RC) W60 1 54:02
84 Dennis Williams(HW) M60 2 55:17
90 Carole Wisdom(VAC) W50 1 56:08
94 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles(S’oaks) M75 2 56:45
97 Wm O'Connor(QPH) M65 2 57:35
101 Edwin Bartlett(VAC) M65 3 60:02
104 Derek Porter(VAC) M70 2 68:12
105 Lionel Mann(Bel) M70 3 82:26
Road Sec Bob Belmore; President Peter Hannell

VAC 10,000m Track Champs 8 September 2010

Race 1 - Ian Johnston nearest
Photos by Jeremy Hemming
1 Ian Johnston(Shettleston)(G) M40 33:15.1
2 Ben Reynolds(THH) M45 1 34:08.3
3 Gareth Cavell(VAC) M40 1 34:44.5
4 Peter Lee (VAC) M40 2 35:39.3
5 David Cox(WGEL) M55 1 35:43.1
6 Mick Barlow(Ton) M40 3 36:49.6
7 Colin Oxlade(Croy) M50 1 37:10.2
8 Hugh Saxby(H) M55 2 37:14.2
9 Tony Harran(HHH)(G) M50 37:33.7
10 Steve Smythe(Cam H) M50 2 37:40.6
11 Liam O'Hare(Bar) M60 1 37:48.8
12 William Fraser(Hail)(G) M55 42:48.6
 Race 2 - Andy Murray leading
Race 2
1 Andy Murray(Dul R) M55 3 41.52.9
2 Catherine Shelley(Serp) W45 1 42:19.1
3 Anna Garnier(THH) W55 1 42:31.3 (CBP)
4 Tom Morris(HW) M50 3 43:20.2
5 Paul Browning(VAC) M50 43:29.6
6 Michael Johnson(THH) M65 1 44:26.6
7 Ros Tabor(Dul R) W60 1 44:38.7
8 Alan Davidson(Liss) M60 2 44:50.2
9 Maggie Stacey(26.2) W40 1 45:14.2
10 Roger Biggs(G) M60 46:16.4
11 Rex Bale(Poole) M60 3 48:16.2
12 Richard Soer(VAC) 53 M50 48:50.7
13 Leonard Parrott(Haver) M75 1 50:25.1
Race 3
1 Martin Garrett(Sudbury) M55 46:19.1
2 Dennis Williams(HW) M60 3 47:58.2
3 Sue Lambert(Serp) W65 1 51:50.8
4 Ann Bath(26.2 RC) W60 2 52:18.4
5 William O'Connor(QPH) M65 2 53:18.8
6 Carole Wisdom(Serp) W50 1 53:43.1
7 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles(S¹Oaks) M75 2 53:56.3
8 Brian Shave(HHH) M75 3 54:11.3
9 Patrick Heffernan(Paddock) M75 54:37.0
10 Edwin Bartlett(VAC) M65 3 56:47.0
11 Francis Thomason(Metros) M60 60:35.8
12 Peter Robinson(Chichester Rs) M75 74:50.9
Officials: Cecil Gittins, David Barrington, George Richardson, Tom
Richards, Maurice Joyce, Kyle Barber, Mike May, Joe Aspinall, David Kitcher, Dennis Williams, Peter
Hannell, Jeremy Hemming
Meet Director Bob Belmore
Recorders: Ron Franklin, John Batchelor, Jaran Finn, Cliff Hide, Ian
Isherwood, Bill O'Connor, Mike Barlow, Mrs Heffernan, Mr Cox Jnr, Mrs Pitcairn-Knowles

29 August 2010 - VAC Track & Field Championships at
Battersea Park
 3k Walk
Photos by Jeremy Hemming
Hurdles 100mH M50 B Slaughter 16.4. M60 G Kitchener 19.8
80mH W60 Emily McMahon 15.0 (CBP). W40 2 J Reid 19.7. M70 J Webster 19.9
100 metres M40 1 Barrington King 12.5, 2 N Lauder 12.6, 3 G Palmer
M45 1 Clarence Riley 12.5, 2 S Allen 12.7, 3 A Easey 13.2, 4 S White 13.3, 5 M May 14.7.
M50 1 Pat Logan 12.0, 2 A Zammit 12.8, 3 B Matthews 12.8, 4 B Slaughter 13.1.
M55 1 John Browne 12.6, 2 T Carter 13.8, 3 P Bell 13.8, 4 A Perry 14.6.
M60 1 Geoff Kitchener 13.5, 2 D Wardle 13.5, 3 F Thomason 22.0.
M70 1 Alan Sowden 16.3. M75 G Feast 16.9.
W40 Shirley Rowbotham 14.9.
W45 Maureen Miller 14.4.
W55 1 J Trimble 14.3, 2 S Dassie 15.0, 3 A Nelson 17.3, 4 L Harrison 21.6.
W60 1 Brenda Fee 15.1 (CBP), 2 McMahon 16.4.
200m M40 1 Nick Lauder 25.7, 2 M Cook 26.2, 3 A Hunt 26.7, 4 J
Buckingham 27.0
M45 1 C Riley 24.7, 2 S Allen 25.6, 3 S White 26.9, 4 M May 30.2.
M50 1 P Logan 25.2, 2 B Matthews 26.3, 3 A Zammit 26.6, 4 B Slaughter 27.9.
M55 1 J Browne 26.3, 2 P Bell 27.8, 3 T Carter 27.9, 4 A Perry 29.6, 5 C Hide 30.2.
M60 1 G Kitchener 27.7, 2 D Wardle 27.8, 3 C Riordan 31.5, 4 Thomason 63.0.
M65 W O'Connor 39.5.
M70 1 A Sowden 34.5. M75 G Feast 36.0.
W40 S Rowbotham 30.5
W45 1 M Miller 29.2, 2 A Campbell 58.5.
W50 1 L Parsons 33.7,2 C Wisdom 40.8.
W55 1 J Trimble 30.4, 2 S Dassie 32.0, 3 A Nelson 34.5
W60 Brenda Fee 31.4 (CBP).
400m M45 1 C Riley 57.5
M40 1 G Palmer 58.6, 2 Lauder 61.7, 3 E Campbell 103.4.
M55 1 T Carter 62.8, 2 Hide 67.9, 3 Bell 68.0,
M60+ 1 E Connolly 66.8. M65 O¹Connor 97.4. M70 A Kimber 80.2. M75 J Cullingham 100.4.
W40 Rowbotham 69.8. W45 1 Miller 66.0, 2 A Campbell 164.6.
W50 Parsons 77.4, 2 C Wisdom 93.8. W55 F Argent 91.2. W60 Brenda Fee 75.6 (CBP).
800m M40 A Hunt 40 2:19.4. M45 N Hall 2:17.6, 2 E Campbell 2:51.4.
M50 N Taylor 2:26.5.
M55 H Saxby 2:22.5.
M60 1 M Mann 2:30.5, 2 Connolly 2:31.1, 3 W Wessely 2:57.1.4. M65 O'Connor 3:29.0. M70 1 Kimber
3:07.8, 2 K Burnett 4:06.3. M75 1 Parrott 75 3:12.4, 2 Cullingham 75 3:52.1. W40 J Reid 2:51.0. W50
C Wisdom 3:30.6. W60 R Tabor 2:57.9.
1500m M40 A del Nevo 4:52.9. M50 1 S Smythe 5:02.5 2 J Wallace
5:04.6. M55 H Saxby 4:56.5. M60 1Mann 5:03.9, 2 J Hall 5:41.0, 3 Wessely 5:56.1, 4 A Davidson
M65 1 O'Connor 6:57.6, 2 E Bartlett 7:44.4.
M70 M Sawyer 6:13.5, M75 1 Parrott 6:37.9, 2 R Pitcairn-Knowles 7:12.9, 3 B Shave 75 7:39.3, 4
Cullingham 75 8:23.8.
W40 Reid 5:54.6. W60 1R Tabor 6:02.6, 2 M Moody 6:04.6.
3,000m Walk W45 1 Diane Bradley 15:28.3 (CBP), 2 H Middleton
16:49.9, 3 M Noel 18:00. W50 F Bishop 18:56.6.
M50 1 G MacDonald 18:14.5. M55 D Hoben 20:48.4.
M60 1J Hall 60 15:46.0, 2 I Thomson 19:56.9, 3 Thomason 60 20:20.2.
M65 P Hannell 17:21.1.
M70 1 Arthur Thomson 70 16:33.1 (CBP), 2 R Powell 19:31.4, 3 D Stevens 19:50.4, 4 K Burnett
21:45.6, 5 B Hercock 23:09.5.
M75 1 J May 23:06.0, 2 K Livermore 24:42.0.
5,000m M40+ M40 1 S Major 16:14.2, 2 E Campbell 25:17.1.
M45 1 A Tuohy 45 17:06.8, 2 L Goldsack 45 24:53.6.
W45 1 Clare Elms 45 17:44.4 (CBP), 2 C Ulliott 19:23.6.
W40 J Reid 22:18.8
M50 1 C Oxlade 18:17.0, 2 N Burnell 50 18:27.9, 3 Smythe 50 19:11.8, 4 T Ulliott 19:13.4. M55 J
Dillow 18:26.1, 2 A Murray 55 19:46.2.
5,000m M60+ M60 1 T Eakin 18:48.8, 2 Mann 18:34.8, 3 A Davidson
M65 1 W O'Connor 24:29.7, 2 E Bartlett 27:50.0. M70 M Sawyer 22:10.8,
M75 1 Pitcairn-Knowles 26:31.9, 2 Shave 26:31.9. M85 Harry Tempan 25:38.1 (CBP).
W50 1 F Bishop 24:10.5, 2 A Lippitt 24:14.1, 3 S Burchill 26:20.0.
W60 1 Margaret Moody 21:16.8 (CBP), 2 R Tabor 21:19.2, 3 A Bath 25:29.4.
Hammer W50 A Morgan 31.37. W55 L Harrison 19.54. W40 R Bayliss
W65 L Sissons 28.88.
M45 Steve Allen 26.79
M50 C1 C Privett 46.52, 2 K Seldon 30.84, 34 S HeaD 25.65
M60 1 A Richards 28.65, 2 ft 14.44.
M651 C Melluish 44.40, 2 J Gilbert 34.41, 3 D Kuester 31.96, 4 R Jegou(G) 31.14, 5 B Harlick
M70 1 Hamilton Thomas 32.76, 2 J Webster 31.19, 3 P Shevlane 30.18, 4 Burnett 18.18.
M75 G Hickey 22.91. M80 J Hanus 28.62
Shot W45 1 Alice Campbell 5.60.
W50 Morgan 8.44. W55 Dassie 9.27.
W65 Liz Sissons 9.78 (CBP).
M75 M Grant-Stevens 5.60.
M40 Peter Evans 8.84.
M50 1 S Head 12.30, 2 B Slaughter 11.42, 3 K Seldon 10.01
M55 1 David Johnson 9.92.
M60 1 A Richards 11.87, 2 J Donaghey 9.44, 3 Thomason 8.88.
M65 1 R Jegou(G) 10.33, 2 Kuester 9.91, 3 Rice 9.82, 4 Gilbert 9.56, 5 Harlick 8.25.
M70 1 Hamilton Thomas 8.55, 2 P Shevlane 8.32, 3 Burnett 6.88.
M75 G Hickey 10.17.
M80 Jaroslav Hanus 8.32 (CBP).
Discus W40 Maria Newton 24.85. W45 1 Alice Campbell 11.84.
W55 Dassie 18.83.
W65 Liz Sissons 23.06 (CBP). M40 Peter Evans 26.58.
M50 1 Privett 41.81, 2 B Slaughter 34.48, 3 K Seldon 30.29, 4 Head 29.60.
M55 1 David Johnson 32.58.
M60 1 A Richards 40.47, 2 J Donaghey 27.90, 3 Thomason 17.00.
M65 1 1 Gilbert 33.41, 2 Harlick 31.44, 3 R Jegou(G) 31.11, 4 Kuester 27.69, 5 W O¹Connor
M70 1 P Shevlane 25.17, 2 Thomas 24.99, 3 Burnett 16.71.
M75 G Hickey 24.46.
M80 Jaroslav Hanus 20.61 (CBP).
Javelin W40 M Newton 18.99. W65 Sissons 21.40
M40 G Palmer 23.79.
M50 Seldon 37.37, 2 Slaughter 32.70, 3 Head 22.51.
M55 Peter Morgan 23.53.
M60 Richards 31.56, 2 Thomason 6.32.
M65 1 Kuester 34.24, 2 Ashley Fox 27.84, 3 Gilbert 25.52, 4 Harlick 22.40, 5 O¹Connor 15.34.
M70 J Webster 28.74, 2 Burnett 13.87.M75 Hickey 23.94.
Long Jump W45 1 Alison Duke 4.47, 2 Alice Campbell 1.99.
W50 Teresa Eades 3.77. W55 Harrison 2.58.
M40 1 John Buckingham 5.07, 2 Palmer 4.86.
M45 1 Alan Easey 5.31, 2 Riley 5.19, 3 Shields 4.35.
M50 Slaughter 4.90.
M55 Johnson 4.83, 2 Morgan 3.84.
M60 1 Derek Wardle 4.72 (CBP), 2 G Kitchener 3.92, 3 Thomason 1.48.
M65 1 Allan Cheers 3.84, 2 Rice 3.49, 3 Kuester 3.31.
M70 Webster 3.13. M75 Sheppard 3.09. 2 Feast 2.77.
Triple Jump W55 Harrison 5.51.
M45 Dave Shields 9.77, 2 C Riley 9.77.
M55 David Johnson 10.60 (CBP). M60 Wardle 9.18. M65 Rice 8.07.
M75 Colin Sheppard 6.04 (CBP).
High Jump W50 Teresa Eades (formerly May) 1.30 (CBP). W55
Argent 1.10.
W60 Emily McMahon 1.15 (CBP)
M40 1 Palmer 1.63, 2 Buckingham 1.55, 3 P Evans 1.45.
M45 Shields 1.25. M50 Slaughter 1.45, 2 Seldon 1.25.
M60 M Goodall 1.35, 2 Kitchener 1.30. M65 1 Cheers 1.25, 2 Harlick 1.10.
Pole Vault M40 A del Nevo 2.30. M45 A Easey 3.00. M59 Slaughter
3.00. M65 Harlick 2.30.
W40 Maria Newton 2.50 (CBP).
W45 Alison Duke 2.60 (CBP).
W50 Teresa Eades 2.30 (CBP).
W55 Susan Yeomans(G) 2.70
21 CBPs recorded

VAC results at Inter Area Match Solihull, 8 August
Robert Allen 100/200m 12.6, 25.9.
John Browne 12.5, 25.7.
Derek Wardle 13.7, 27.6.
400m Mike May 67.7, Phil Bell 62.9, Wardle 61.3.
800/1500 Robert Peers 2:36.7, 5:18.8. Mike Elwell 3:00.9, 5:55.9.
Walter Wessely 2:51.3, 5:46.4.
2000kmW Peter Hannell 11:12.8. May 15:47.1, Elwell 20:19.9.
Robert Allen Discus 22.32, Pole V 2.50, HJ 1.40, Shot 7.45.
Brian Harlick DT 31.83, PV 2.00.
May JT 6.42.
Women 100/200 Joan Trimble 14.4 / 30.2.
Brenda Fee 15.3 / 400m 73.4.
800/1500 Carole Wisdom 3:32.6 / 7:03.9.
400/3000m Anna Garnier 71.9 / 11:46.2.
Fiona Argent SP 6.78 / LJ 3.21 / HJ 1.10.
Teams: 1 SCV 692, 2 MMAC 721.5, 3 WMAA 567, 6 VAC 257 (men 162, women 95), of
10 tms.

VAC Road Race 5 Km Champs 10 August 2010 at
 Tom(44) and Cathy(16)
Mick Barlow
Photos by Jeremy Hemming
1 Gareth Cavell(VAC) 42 1 16:49
3 Mick Barlow(VAC) 44 2 17:58
3 Gary Float(Ilf) 43 3 18:38
4 Tom Ulliott(B&H) 53 1 19:04
5 Cathy Ulliott(B&H) W46 1 19:10
6 Cain Bradley(Ton) 50 2 19:25
7 Julian Spencer-Wood(Kent) 59 1 19:45
8 Anna Garnier(THH) W55 1 20:16
9 Brian Dooley(G) 47 20:40
10 Tom Morris(HW) 52 3 20:42
11 Ian Mursell(VAC) 58 2 20:43
12 Stu Littlewood(HW) 58 3 20:55
13 Martin Evans(VPH) 59 21:06
14 Stephen Parker(Ilf) 54 21:18
12 Steve Parker(Ilf) 54 35:13
15 Alan Davidson(Liss) 63 1 21:21
16 Sean Dillon(L Ir)(g) 21:42
17 George Wallace(VAC) 55 21:45
18 Jacqui Reid(Met Pol) W44 1 21:58
19 Richard Hammerson(Read RR) 68 1 22:04
20 Mick Elwell(Cobra) 59 22:26
21 Nichola Hopkinson(Ilf) W47 22:42
22 Dennis Williams(HW) 64 2 22:58
23 Martin Lippitt(Trent P) 57 23:14
24 Dave Wilson(HHH) 63 3 23:44
25 Glyn Sayer(Eton M) 67 2 24:23
26 Mike Harran(HHH)(g) 24:41
27 Ted Kimber(Bar) 70 1 24:53
28 Anne Lippitt(Trent P) W55 2 25:00
29 Sue Lambert(Serp) W69 1 25:19
30 Julia Gristwood(ESM) W51 1 25:51
31 Leon Goldsack(VAC) 45 1 25:58
32 Steph Burchill(Dul R) W54 2 26:08
33 Mike Morfey(VAC) 67 3 26:23
34 Cliff Collins(L Ir) 74 2 26:28
35 Bill O¹Connor(QPH) 65 26:35
36 Ian Isherwood(HW) 58 26:47
37 Brian Shave(Read RR) 76 1 26:57
38 Ed Bartlett(VAC) 65 27:27
39 Pam Jones(Ilf) W74 1 27:37
40 Mike Browne(VAC) 79 2 32:00
41 Kevin Burnett(SOC) 71 3 32:00
New Club Records for 5k W45 Cathy
Ulliott(B&H) 19:10 = previous by J Heffernan
W55 Anna Garnier(THH) 20:16 previous by P Jones 20:41
W65 Sue Lambert(Serp) 25:19 previous by B Forster 26:13
Race Walk 5.0M not champs
1 Steve Allen(Bar) 54 1 43:51
2 Diane Bradley(Ton) W48 1 44:19
3 Kelsey Howard(Ton)(G) W16 45:38
4 Art Thomson(E&H) 74 1 46:20
5 Peter Hannell(SWC) 67 1 49:15
6 Paul King(Bel) 59 1 50:44
7 Ron Powell(E&H) 74 53:30
8 Chris Flint(L Vid) 60 1 54:00
9 Dave Delaney(SWC)(G) 67 54:52
10 David Hoben(SWC) 57 56:09
11 Will Norbert 75 1 56:15

Inter area match at Solihull – 8 August 2010 – VAC team
With a bit more warning than last year, we managed to get together a rather
bigger team than last year, and improve our positions in both the mens’ and womens’ matches, coming
6th in both and overall. Despite the wonders of email we did fail to contact some potential members
of the team until too late or miss them altogether, so there is scope for improvement. The timing
of the meeting two weeks after the European Championships also affected us, but also affected all
the other teams, as some good athletes had got injured or called an end to their season for other
On the ladies’ side, last year we only had one athlete last year, Anna
Garnier, but this year she was joined by three other W50s (Joan Trimble (100m, 200m and Relay),
Fiona Argent (Shot, Long Jump, High Jump and Relay), Carole Wisdom (800m 1500m and Relay) and W60
Brenda Fee (100m and 400m). Anna did the 400m, 3000m and the 800m leg of the Medley Relay). Brenda
won both her races, and Joan won the 100m, and there were good 2nd places from Anna in the 3000m
and Joan in the 200m.
On the mens’ side, we had representatives in the M35-49s, M50s and M60s but
no M70s. None of us was as successful individually as the ladies, with best results coming from
Derek Wardle (2nd in the M60 400 and 200, 3rd in the 100m), John Browne (2nd in the M50 100m and
3rd in the M50 200m) and club President Peter Hannell (2nd in M60 2000m Walk) on the track and
Brian Harlick ( 2nd M60 Pole Vault) in the field. In the M35-49s Robert Allen, Robert Peers, and
Mike May did lots of events with varying success. Phil Bell and Mike Elwell did likewise in the
M50s and Walter Wessely covered our middle and long distance events in the M60s. At the end of the
meeting both the W50 women, and an M35 team of mixed age group men took part in the curiously
ordered Medley Relay. The running order was 400m, 200m, 200m and 800m, so any club with a weaker
400m runner would find its sprinters too far behind to make any difference and as usual with a
medley relay everything hinges on the prowess of the 800m runner.
Mike May

VAC meeting 4 August 2010 - Wimbledon Park

S McDuel (12), M Mann (14) Photos by Jeremy Hemming
 400m P Bell (59) S White (13)
100m age time
1 Kwei Sankofa(HHH) 51 12.2
2 Bobby Cooper(HHH) 48 12.6
3 Stuart White(HW) 48 13.2
4 Mike May(KP) 49 14.7
Race 2
1 Sue Dassie(E&E) W57 14.8
2 Anne Nelson(E&E) W58 15.8
3 Mike Martineau(B&B) 64 15.8
4 John Godbeer(Cam H) 75 16.8
Gibson: 6 Godbeer, 4.5 White & Martineau, 2.5 Dassie & Nelson, 1
1 Kwei Sankofa(HHH) 51 25.0
2 Bobby Cooper(HHH) 48 25.8
3 Stuart White(HW) 48 27.1
4 Terry Bissett(E&E() 66 27.4
5 Phil Bell(Harr) 56 28.2
6 Mike May(KP) 49 29.9
Race 2
1 Cliff Hide(Serp) 58 29.9
2 Mike Martineau(B&B) 64 33.2
3 Anne Nelson(E&E) W58 33.7
Gibson: 5.5 White & Hide, 4 Bissett, 3 Nelson, 2 Bell, 1 Martineau,
400m 1 Kwei Sankofa(HHH) 51
2 Bobby Cooper(HHH) 48 60.2
3 Stuart White(HW) 48 65.2
5 Phil Bell(Harr) 56 65.3
6 Mike May(KP) 49 68.8
Race 2
1 Mike Abrahams(VAC) 54 66.3
2 Cliff Hide(Serp) 58 67.4
3 Richard Somers(E&E) 65 68.5
winner D McClean Cup O60 handicap
4 Mike Mann(HHH) 62 70.2
Gibson: 6 Hide, 5 Abrahams, 4 Somers, 3 Mann, 2 Bell, 1 May &
Gibson Cup final scores Winner 27.5 C Hide, 20 J Godbeer & S
White, 19 M May, 13.5 P Bell, 13 M Martineau, and 23 others
One Mile 1 Steve McDuell(HW) 46
2 Mike Mann (HHH) 62 5:24.7
3,000m 1 Nicky Atkins(KP) W46
Discus Maria Newton(Med) W40 7.59
Sue Dassie(E&E) W57 8.60 19.79
Liz Sissons(E&E) W68 9.63 20.93
Kevin Burnett(SOC) 70 7.01 20.41
John Webster(HW) 70 7.55 24.96
Officials: Starter P Shilling, T/K C Gittins, S Bennett, Judges M
Joyce, K Burnett, D Whittaker, Marksman C Riordan, Field judge K Burnett, Meeting R Belmore,
Handicapper J Hemming

VAC 21 July 2010 with Rosenheim League,
 100m: Milton McIntosh(12), Mark
Cook(1) Cliff
Hide Photos by Jeremy Hemming
100m age time
Milton McIntosh(VAC) 44 12.5
Mark Cook(G&G) 43 13.2
Cliff Hide(Serp) 58 14.7
Gibson: Hide 4, McIntosh 3, Cook 2 points
Milton McIntosh(VAC) 44 25.3
Mark Cook(G&G) 43 25.6
Steve McDuell(HW) 45 28.8
Cliff Hide(Serp) 58 30.0
Gibson: Cook 5, McIntosh 4, Hide 3, McDuell 2
Gibson cumulative 16 M May, 16 C Hide, 14 J Godbeer, 12 G Palmer, 11 G
Kitchener, 9.5 P Bell, 9 C Riordan, S White, 8 M Cook, 7.5 M Martineau, 7 M McIntosh, C Isetts, P
Williams, S McDuell, 6 T Bissett et al
Performances of VAC members in the meeting:
D Mkpa 12.2
S Dassie 14.7
400m R Hyde 58.2
D Wardle 62.8
S McDuell 65.8
800m S McDuell 2:16.5
R Somers 2:45.1
3,000m N Atkins 12:57.8
DS Williams 13:15.6
Shot K Seldon 9.79
D Singleton 7.02
L Sissons 3kg 9.25
S Dassie 8.64
Javelin L Sissons 400gm 23.78
High Jump/Long Jump G Palmer 1.55/4.84

VAC 5M Road 13 July 2010

David Cox
Photos by Jeremy Hemming
1 David Cox(WGEL) 57 29:00
2 Robert Holden(Raven)(G) 40 30:58
3 Gareth Jones(Oxfd C) 64 32:26
4 Julian Spencer-Wood(Kent) 59 32:58
5 Stu Littlewood(HW) 57 34:06
6 Paul Browning(Beckm) 50 34:33
7 Steve Parker(Ilf) 54 34:40
8 Ian Mursell(VAC) 58 35:12
9 Peter Crowhurst(VAC) 60 35:21
10 Martin Clark(Ilf) 58 35:36
11 Les Presland(AFD) 71 36:23
12 Jeff Prestridge(Serp) 51 36:41
13 Dennis Williams(HW) 64 37:31
14 George Wallace(VAC) 51 39:15
15 Sally Gilham(Ilf) W47 39:43
16 Julia Gristwood(ESM) W51 43:36
17 Ed Bartlett(VAC) 65 46:21
18 Mike Browne(VAC) 79 53:36
VAC 5M Road Race Walk

Helen Middleton
1 Steve Allen(Bar) (G) 54 45:47
2 Steve Uttley(Ilf) 53 46:34
3 Helen Middleton(E&H) W45 46:38
4 Steve Allen(Ilf) 50 48:29
5 Sean Pender(E&H) 57 48:58
6 Peter Hannell(SWC) 67 49:45
7 Carl Lawton(Bel) 62 50:48
8 Mike Hinton(Ilf) 65 50:56
9 Paul King(Bel) 59 51:08
10 Chris Flint(L Vid) 65 51:38
11 Ron Powell(E&H) 74 53:42
12 Dave Delaney(SWC) 67 55:30
13 Dave Hoben(SWC) 57 56:19
Officials: Stewart Bennett, Bob Belmore Meeting Director, Jeremy
Hemming, Joe Aspinall, Chris Flint
